- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

PLC Y Su Programacion

Enviado por   •  14 de Agosto de 2013  •  629 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  314 Visitas

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Programmable controller or PLC is a divice capable of handing machines in an industry and may even improve production. A PLC has between to as computer, are easy to program and are not very large.

A PLC is composed of various components that help your performance, these components and some are:

 Battery



 Watch


 Programming panel

 Data bus

 Control bus

 System bus

And here’s a brief explanation of some of them:

1. Bus

The bus is the conduit through which they negative the data sent by the program and serve as communication between components to communicate with the CPU.

2. ALU (arithmetic logit unit)

it is one of the circuits of the PLC as it has direct communication with the CPU and the bus that the device sends data, is fundamental to the PLC in the despite performing small processes

3. ROM

Memory ROM is a read-only serves to not only storage and made their stands for read only memory, also you keep the information permanently operating system as long as there isn´t failure in communication power source.

4. RAM

this memory unlike ROM is used to store the information of the user and the system and allows you to erase and rewrite its acronym means aleatory read memory.

In the block diagrams will be able to see the function of each of the components.

The first explains the connection diagram PLC internal:

Basic structure of the PLC

Address bus

Control bus

Data bus

input and output bus

Input interface Output Interface

Input channels output channels

Diagram bus

Diagram ALU (block diagram of the central unit)

Address bus

Data bus automata internal bus

Control bus

Diagram of RAM and ROM (microprocessor operation)

Address bus

Data bus

Control bus

Overall a PLC is a divice that is here to improve the management of the industry.


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