Poker Homework
Enviado por gaweeda • 12 de Diciembre de 2013 • 1.167 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 404 Visitas
2. BlankRainbow
- 3b mostly DEPO OOP; POL IP - Bet Sizing Tell
- 3b/5b { A4s, AJ+, TT+ } vs steal - XC TPTK in order to induce a stab
- sqz/call { 88+ } - unable to fold TP in BvB
- flat 3b OOP w/ 44 - mr IP w/ NFD+1 OC
- flat 4b IP w/ suited broad., small PP - mr // call 3b AIR in 3bp Axx
- c-bets POL IP - mr gs+2 OC on paired in 3bp, AI OTT
- OAD w/ AIR
- DB draw
- DB AIR/weak SDV vs double check
- v-bets thinly
- doesn't react on scare card, can't fold any pair?
2.1. Cold calling ranges IP
This guy is a bit similar to the previous guy (TripleuxPower) – he also doesn’t like to fold when his c-bets got raised. Therefore again I am looking for TPs and strong draws. I want to raise him DEPO (TPGK++), since:
a) this player simply doesn’t fold often enough
b) he has already shown he is capable of playing back with very weak hands
2.1.1. vs 15% UTG open
Looks like a solid standard. I will cc all PPs up to TT and strong suited broadways, however, I am gonna remove QTs and KTs, since they are can be easily dominated by his range. JTs will stay, since it flop really well, there is a good combo draw value here.
{ TT-22,AQs-ATs,KJs+,QJs,JTs } – 6.2%
2.1.2. vs 18% MP open
I will add missing suited broadways now. I might also take A9s – it dominates some of 9x hands + can flop a good TP. BlankRainbow c-bets POL, so having a bluffcatcher is a good thing.
{ TT-22,AQs-A9s,KTs+,QTs+,JTs } – 7.1%
2.1.3. vs 24% CO open
He 4b a lot here, so both TT and AQ will move into 3b/5b value range. Hands like ATo-AJo, KQo will move from 3b range into this cc range according to my gameplan. I will also add A8s, probably A7s as well, K9s and top SCs for both ~~TP + combo draw value.
{ QQ,99-22,AJs-A7s,K9s+,QTs+,J9s+,T9s,98s,AQo-ATo,KQo } – 12.2%
Cc range has expanded a lot, but hey, I am on the BTN.
2.1.4. vs 39% BTN open
That’s a fairly tight opening range nowadays. I will stick mainly to the PPs and often to the high cards, providing BB won’t be a sqz happy player. Then I will x/r him really, really a lot with my TPs, planning NOT to fold. I know that he c-bets POL, but if he steals so much from the BTN+c-bets 74% IP, then this range must be DEPO from this position.
a) from the SB
with a sqz happy player behind:
{ 88-22,AJs-ATs,AJo } – 4.7%
Without a sqz happy player behind:
{ 88-22,AJs-A9s,KTs+,QTs+,AJo-ATo,KJo-KTo,QJo } – up to 10%
b) from the BB
Even somewhere close to 20% range can’t be that bad:
{ 99-22,AJs-A2s,K8s+,Q8s+,J9s+,T9s,98s,AJo-A7o,KJo-K9o,QTo+,JTo }
2.2. 3-betting ranges
BlankRainbow has a very, very low fold to 3b, which basically means he must be playing back with weak ranges a lot. That being said, I am gonna stick to the DEPO 3b range and as previously mentioned, play my TP and strong draws very aggressively against him.
A 9 bb 3-bet usually needs to be successful 66.6% of the time, but he calls a lot (prob OOP as well), so he will realize his equity from time to time, therefore I will be a bit more conservative and keep 3b with a range 50-55% of his open from particular position.
I will be tighter OOP obviously.
2.2.1. vs 15% UTG open
{ JJ+,AKs,ATo+,KJo+ } – 7.5% (I can add KTo sometimes as well)
{ JJ+, AK } – 3.0% will be my 3b/5b range
2.2.2. vs 18% MP open
For some reason,