- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Quien es Marie curie y otras cientificas

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Curso Básico 2                                                                Convocatoria Marzo 2017

Criterios de corrección

Expresión Escrita


A travel blog: why would anyone read it? To have an idea about the place and to see if it is worth visiting.

Readers are not interested in your life!!! You are not a celebrity!!!

Topic: a weekend away  (journey / place / opinion / impression / anecdote…) BUT NOT A DETAILED ACCOUNT OF YOUR ACTIVITIES. THIS IS NOT OF INTEREST!

In the past                1st person singular        addressing the readers (with recommendations, for instance)


Sequencing         Cause linkers    Different paragraphs for different topics


Present         tense for descriptions        Past tenses:  past continuous, past simple (for anecdote)        (comparisons)             should, have to, could, etc (for rules and suggestions)    


Descriptions          Action verbs              Feelings      Journeys or travelling        Weather      Opinion language

Interacción Escrita


A comment on a forum, to a specific reader (not an email/not a letter…)

Give opinion                Give advice (covering all the problems mentioned)        Cheer her up!


Opinion expressions: Personally, I believe… I can’t imagine… However, in my opinion… The way I see it, I’d say that…

Linkers to show the relationship between ideas ( because, in that way, so...that, firstly, also, however...)


Advice structures (more than 1!)     (present perfect)        (comparatives)              modals        If/When sentences


health (prescription, GP, make an appointment, rest)  

work (take time off, boss, colleagues)

habits (sleeping pills, healthy diet, do exercise)

feelings (anxious, depressed...)


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