- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Sinónimos, antónimos Ingles

Enviado por   •  27 de Noviembre de 2014  •  Informe  •  214 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  202 Visitas

Dry: Seco Carefull: Cuidadoso Quiet: Tranquilo Wet=Mojado



Tall, short, big, slow

Y: Pretty, friendly, noisy(ruidoso)

W: Narrow(angosto), new, slow(lento)

Brazil is bigER than Peru

Mario is friendlIER than Luis


Famous, crowded(congestionado), boring, interesting, intelligent, dangerous

Santiago is MORE crowded than Rancagua.


Good: Better Mario is BETTER kisser than Luis

Bad: Worse Miguel is WORSE dance than Luis

Far: Farther (lejos) The Antarctica is FARTHER than Valdivia

How do you consider yourself? I’m friendly, carefull, quiet, outgoing, polite

Superlative Adjetives.


Tamara is the tallEST in the class

Ferrari is the fastEST car in the world


Viña is the MOST expensive city


Tamara is THE BEST student

Cathy is THE WORST teacher ever

Putre is THE FARTHERST place in the north

I WOULD like to (Me gustaria) I WOULDN’T like (No me gustaría)

WOULD you like yo have a soda? Yes I have No, I haven’t

WOULD you like to drive a ferrary?

I WOULD love to buy a new car

There are slow drivers They drive slowly

My Korean is perfect I speak Korean perfectly

I HAVE seen this movie twice ( He visto)

I HAVEN’T eaten thai food (No he visto)

HAVE you been to Cancun? Yes I Have No, I haven’t

HAVE you drunk to soda?

What HAVE you had? I HAVE had to fish

Where HAVE you been to? I HAVE been to North Chile

What HAVE you drunk? I HAVE drunk soda

HAVE you TAKEN a shower LATELY? I HAVE taken a shower / I HVE alredy taken a shower



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