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There are an estimated 8.7 million immigrants

Enviado por   •  6 de Octubre de 2013  •  210 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  426 Visitas

There are an estimated 8.7 million immigrants in the United States. They come here because they want a better life for his family, but their presence has caused many problems for this country watch over us . Immigration has always been an important issue in the history of the United States. Many undocumented immigrants are from Mexico because it is easier to cross the border between Mexico and the United States. Our responsibility is to provide a better opportunity for our families.They work for minimum wage jobs that many do not want .Undocumented into account 5% of all workers in the United States. In fact , illegal immigrants help lower prices so that people can buy more goods . In addition , companies with undocumented workers can increase their profits because they are paying less money , thus improving the overall economy .Undocumented immigrants do not pay taxes and mistreat the benefit of public health services and education. They also say that jobs in that work are not illegal they do not want to work the watch over us , but are the companies that hire them because they can pay less than minimum wage. Sometimes students visas immigrants come here to study, and as resolved never return home .


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