- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

What Are Some Of The Physical Properties That Distinguish The Metallic Elements Form The Non Metal Elements

Enviado por   •  5 de Marzo de 2014  •  359 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  2.424 Visitas

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69.- What are some of the physical properties that distinguish the metallic elements form the non metal elements? Are these properties absolute, or do some nonmetallic elements exhibit some metallic properties (and vice versa) ?

• Efficient conduction of heat and electricity

• They don’t dissolve in water

• Ductility

• Shiny

70.- What types of ions do the metals and nonmetals form? Do the metals gain or lose electrons? And non metals?

Anions and cations, the metal elements lose electrons while the non metallic gains them

71.-Give some similarities that exist among the elements in Group 1

• Good conductors

• Low density

• Low melting points

72.-Give some similarities that exist among the elements in Group 7

• High ionization energy

• Small atomic radious

73. - Which element in Group 1 most easily loses electrons? Why?

They are all equally likely to lose electrons because all of them have 1 electron in the outer shell.

74.- Which elements in a given period (horizontal) of the periodic table lose electrons more easily?

The ones in the left because they have the tendency of losing the valence electrons

75.-Where are the most non metallic elements located on the periodic table? Why do these elements pull electrons from the metallic elements so easily during a reaction?

On the right side of the periodic table, because they have more electro negativity

Group lA Group VllA Name Fromula

Lithium Fluoride LithiumFluoride LiF

Lithium Chloride LithiumChloride LiCl

Lithium Bromide LithiumBromide LiBr

Sodium Fluoride SodiumFluoride NaF

Sodium Chloride SodiumChloride NaCl

Sodium Bromide SodiumBromide NaBr

Potassium Fluoride PotassiumFluoride KF

Potassium Chloride PotassiumChloride KCl

Potassium Bromide PotassiumBromide KBr

Group llA Group VlA Name Fromula

Beryllium Oxygen BerylliumOxide BeO

Beryllium Sulfur BerylliumSulfur BeS

Beryllium Selenium BerylliumSelenium BeSe

Magnesium Oxygen MagnesiumOxide MgO

Magnesium Sulfur MagnesiumSulfur MgS

Magnesium Selenium MagnesiumSelenium MgSe

Calcium Oxygen Calcium Oxide CaO

Calcium Sulfur CalciumSulfur CaS

Calcium Selenium CalciumSelenium CaSe

Lithium fluoride is most widely used as a flux in the production of ceramics

Beryllium oxide is used in rocket engines.

In medicine, magnesium oxide is used for relief of heartburn and sore stomach

Chemical elements that improves life quality


a. Lithium is used to control depression

b. Cupper is a bactericide


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