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Competencia comunicativa en inglés

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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León[pic 1][pic 2]


Competencia comunicativa en inglés

                                 Evidencia 1

Nancy Dalia Salinas Torres

Allison Keith Zúñiga Pérez (2007565)

Lic. Contador Publico

Grupo: 1AC


Cadereyta Jiménez, Nuevo León 21 de marzo de 2023

The research used in-depth semi-structured interviews (Vergara, 2005), with questions created based on the contents of the travel blogs and the bibliographic review. The sample was made up of individuals who said they were passionate about traveling and the technique was used snowball (Malhotra, 2001), that is to say that an interviewee indicates to other individuals with interests similar. All the individuals interviewed prioritize travel in their lives and are always connected with topics related to them, which leads them to make a great trip (time and distance) at least once a year.16 virtual interviews were conducted between September and December 2014. The analysis of the data used the Atlas Ti 7.5.2 software and followed the Grounded Theory methodology. Grounded or Anchored Theory), which "is an interpretive research method that seeks explain reality from the meanings attributed by those involved in their experiences. (Bandeira-De-Mello & Cunha, 2006: 2). Charmaz (2012) explains that the Grounded Theory is a method of inductive-deductive, comparative and interactive analysis. Strauss & Corbin (1998) highlight that the central element of analysis of the Grounded Theory is comparative thinking or the constant comparisons. It is defined as a systematic comparison between similarities and differences found in the data to generate consistent conceptual categories and empirically based (Bandeira-De-Mello & Cunha, 2006).

The results of the research provide a synthesis of the universe of travel lovers indicating the main motivational elements that emerge from the analysis of the interviews. Although In the case of a synthesis, defining the motivations of this category of tourists is relevant to the importance that tourism is gaining on the world stage and the changes that are accompanying the new generation of tourists. It can be said that the study broadens the debate on the profile of the contemporary consumer of tourism and although several of the motivations identified have already been shown by other studies, this research allowed a cut focused on the key motivations of a special category of tourists: lovers of travel.



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