Cau Cau Bridge History
Enviado por Nicole Cayuqueo • 10 de Octubre de 2023 • Apuntes • 435 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 70 Visitas
Cau Cau Bridge: The story of a dream fulfilled
The Cau Cau river bridge project would be the first drawbridge in Chile, in the Los Ríos region, 850 kilometers south of the capital Santiago.
It was built with the purpose of connecting Valdivia, the capital of the region, with the coast, due to high demand from the citizens, many decades ago.
However, hope of completing the project was lost when in 2014, with 95% of the bridge built, a major flaw in the construction of the infrastructure was detected; it was reported that one of the movable platforms had been installed upside down.
Background and causes:
The bridge was installed upside down for the following reasons:
The project was first tendered in 2005 but work began in December 2011. The company had designed a 90-meter-long bridge that would link Isla Teja and Las Ánimas, consisting of two movable and elevatable sections that would allow navigation on the river.
In 2013, a scandal broke out in which a false topographer, Roberto Méndez Carrillo, was arrested for the illegal exercise of his profession, presenting false documentation to work for the company.
This caused the bridge to be upside down, according to a report from the MOP (Ministry of Public Works), which attributed that the labels for the installation of the bridge arms were upside down and the technical report pointed out the poor quality of the material.
It ended up spending a lot of resources without any benefit, more than 30,000 million dollars were spent.
The Valdivian community could not benefit from the project, which caused disappointment on the part of the inhabitants.
Thanks to the fame obtained by the failure, Chile became a mockery of several countries.
Despite the bad, this bridge became a tourist attraction and a Chilean icon.
Proposed Solutions:
Independent audit and technical review: conduct an independent audit of all infrastructure construction projects at key stages to identify potential problems and ensure compliance with technical and safety standards. The review should be conducted by external experts with engineering and construction experience.
Strengthening of quality controls:
Evaluation of contractors and subcontractors:
Professional regulation and certification:
Increased transparency and public participation:
Lesson learning: Establish a formal process for learning from past mistakes and applying those lessons to future projects. This includes creating a database of common problems and solutions on infrastructure projects.
In conclusion, the Cau Cau River Bridge project in Chile is a sad example of an ambitious initiative that ended in a costly failure. Despite the good intentions of connecting Valdivia with the coast and the hope of having the first drawbridge in the country, a series of problems and mistakes throughout its history led to its disastrous outcome.