The city I chose is Argentina
Enviado por stivens castillo lopez • 11 de Junio de 2024 • Informe • 256 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 78 Visitas
The city I chose is Argentina.
Argentina is located in Sur America.
Argntina is the capital of Buenos Aires.
People in Argentina sepeak spanish.
- You should go to the Quebrada del Condor in Argentina.
- We can go to Argentina to see the Iguazú Falls.
- I mustn't say that the appetizers taste like medicine.
- For me to be able to travel to Argentina you have to have a passport.
- In Argentina you don't have to have dinner at 5 pm, since dinner is served at 9 pm.
- I could stay a few days in the Argentine capital.
- It may be that in Argentina the dance is the same as in Colombia.
- I had to visit the most beautiful places in Argentina.
- Some day I might travel to Argentina again.
- In Argentina, the driver's license must be compulsory.
[pic 1][pic 2]
1)The Argentine asado is a kind of barbecue. It's kind of like the Huilense barbecue.[pic 3]
[pic 4]
2)The rolled Matahambre from Argentina is a kind of rolled's kind of like stuffed turkey.[pic 5]
[pic 6]
3)This soup is a kind of's kind of like the mondongo soup from Colombia.
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Muchas gracias att: Wilmer garcia rada.
Instructor: de inglen inicial