- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

The city I chose is Argentina

Enviado por   •  11 de Junio de 2024  •  Informe  •  256 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  78 Visitas

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The city  I chose  is Argentina.

Argentina is located  in Sur America.

Argntina is the capital of Buenos Aires.

People in Argentina sepeak spanish.

  1. You should go to the Quebrada  del Condor in Argentina.
  2. We can go to Argentina to see the Iguazú Falls.
  3. I mustn't say that the appetizers taste like medicine.
  4. For me to be able to travel to Argentina you have to have a passport.
  5. In Argentina you don't have to have dinner at 5 pm, since dinner is served at 9 pm.
  6. I could stay a few days in the Argentine capital.
  7. It may be that in Argentina the dance is the same as in Colombia.
  8. I had to visit the most beautiful places in Argentina.
  9. Some day I might travel to Argentina again.
  10. In Argentina, the driver's license must be compulsory.

[pic 1][pic 2]

1)The Argentine asado is a kind of barbecue. It's kind of  like the Huilense barbecue.[pic 3]

[pic 4]

2)The rolled Matahambre from Argentina is a kind of rolled's kind of like stuffed turkey.[pic 5]

[pic 6]

3)This soup is a kind of's kind of  like the mondongo soup from Colombia.

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 Muchas gracias att: Wilmer garcia rada.

Instructor: de inglen inicial


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