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What is the feminism?

Enviado por   •  3 de Mayo de 2023  •  Ensayo  •  471 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  82 Visitas

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Down patriarchy, the future is female.

What is the feminism?

Feminism is a social movement and ideology that fights for the political, economic and social rights for women. Feminist believe that men and women are equal, and women deserve the same rights as men in society. The feminist movement has fought for many different causes, such as the right for women to vote, the right to work and the right to live free from violence. This began in the French revolution of 1789 and other liberal bourgeois revolutions whose main objective was to defend the rights of man and citizen, however women weren’t taken into account, so they began their struggle; during this time the main objective was to obtain the right to vote.

To be a feminist is to be a woman as a person, with her aspirations for autonomy, freedom, strength and self-worth. is to face their own fears, fight for rights, not get carried away by stereotypes, feel free.

The Maleness has made women look like an object, imposing certain conditions of beauty and personality to meet their needs, the maleness has ended the lives of many women. However, thanks to the struggle of women such as Clara Zetkin, Emmeline Pankhurst, Frida Kalho, Simone de Beauvoir and many other women, some of the taboos that demy women have been removed. Can men be feminists? Men cannot be feminists, since they are not the ones who are affected by the social and political problems that women face; however they can support the movement and are called ‘’allies’’.

On the other hand, it is essential to introduce changes in the education of children in the early stages of education. Children from 0 to 12 years old are free from prejudice, so it is important to implement an equal education. Girls and women must also be taught the value they have before society.  To educate on equality, these messages should be separated from stereotypes such as: "boys do not cry", "women are delicate", "men should not express their feelings". The objective of the family, together with the help of the school, is to teach them to behave according to the values ​​and socio-cultural guidelines, educating children in respect for others since they are small.  The norms of society start from ourselves and, therefore, we must be the first to mark them.

To finish what feminism seeks is to end the stereotypes that are held about women, ‘’men's shouldn't be making laws about woman's bodies’’. Seek equality of rights, that women do not feel fear while walking alone in the street, that they have freedom of expression, that they can dress as they want without  to be judged and over time the support of many more women has been achieved in the struggle.  The future is in the hands of women.




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