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Cuento En Ingles

Enviado por   •  17 de Noviembre de 2014  •  213 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  198 Visitas

The Ugly Duckling

There once was a leg expected hatching eggs and were born to be able to show off their strong and beautiful children.

A certain day began to open the shells and were going all the ducklings. Many forest animals came to see the new members of the herd, but suddenly, when he was born the last, saw that it was very small, fat and ugly.

Eventually all were growing and becoming much nicer but the ugly duckling was still improve its appearance. This made everyone call him "Ugly Duckling". Finally, their own brothers began to be ashamed of it so ugly it was and began to despise.

The duckling was very sad and miserable so we decided to get away from there. On his way he met a farm where no one refused and decided to stay, but soon also began to insult everyone, so again escaped to look else where you wanted.

Later came to a lake and found some beautiful swans who rejoiced when they saw it. The duckling was amazed, because it had been accepted from the start.

The truth is that I did not know what was happening, but suddenly, looking into the water, he realized that he had become a beautiful swan. From here he lived happily with his new family.


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