- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Reseña En Ingles Del Cuento De Pinocho

Enviado por   •  7 de Marzo de 2014  •  221 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  8.209 Visitas


The story begins with a man that was carpenter, the wanted a son and makes a wood puppet called Pinocchio, a blue fairy animates the puppet telling him that he has to prove himself in order to become a "real boy" with Jiminy Cricket to act as conscience, but pinocchio ignores Jiminy’s good advice, a day about man called John and Gideon the convince him to join Stromboli's puppet show instead, but abuse and it enclose in bird cage, the blue fairy help to pinocchio but the lie and lying the nose but recants and escape, John and Gideon once more manage to lead Pinocchio astray by convincing him to go to Pleasure Island where make jackasses of themselves into donkeys, Pinocchio manages to escape with only his ears transformed, to return to his house, realices what do father was looking for the to Pleasure Island, pinocchio to return to the island is eaten for a whale and there is find whit Geppetto together manage to escape but the monster chases them, Geppetto survives thanks to the courage to pinocchio and the dead, Geppeto and Jiminy distraught return home with Pinocchio's body, the Blue Fairy I saw the courage of pinocchio and brings him back to life and also turns him into a real boy, all hapy begin to celebrate.


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