- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

El Hombre Y Su Entrono

Enviado por   •  4 de Junio de 2014  •  205 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  192 Visitas

1. Choose 2 famous people (one man and one woman). Look and copy paste a picture of each of them (full view of the characters so we can look at their clothes)

2. Describe the physical appearance and clothes of each of the pictures. (50 words every picture)

David Beckham: Is young. He is a soccer player and a famous man. He is tall with short straight blonde hair. He has a moustache and beard. He has brown eyes. He´s wearing an awesome black suit with white shirt and black bow tie. He has a white handkerchief in his jacket and perfect black shoes.

Victoria Beckham: Is a singer and She's David's wife. She is a young and beautiful woman. She´s short and slim. She has wavy dark hair and brown eyes. She has a perfect nose. She is wearing a beige evening dress with a black belt and a nice green ring. She is a nice person because She helps others with her charity.

3. Compare both images and write 8 sentences using comparative adjectives.

1.- David is taller than Victoria.

2.-Victoria is slimmer than David.

3.-David is stronger than Victoria.

4.-Victoria is prettier than David.

5.-David is richer than Victoria.

6.-David is fitter than Victoria.

7.-Victoria is more intelligent than David.

8.-Victoria is more talented than David.


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