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Formas Verbales Pasivas

Enviado por   •  21 de Mayo de 2014  •  Informe  •  206 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  304 Visitas

Formas Verbales Pasivas

Formas verbales pasivas se construyen con los distintos tiempos del verbo to be, seguido por un participio pasado. Los tiempos, y las reglas para sus usos, son los mismos que en la voz activa. Sin embargo evitamos decir be being y been being así que el futuro progresivo y el progresivo perfecto en el pasivo son muy inusual:

Presente Simple:

English is spoken here.

Presente Progresivo:

Excuse the mess: the house is being painted.

Pasado Simple:

I wasn't invited, but I've come any way.

Pasado Progresivo:

I felt as if I was being watched.

Presente Perfecto:

Has mary been told?

(Presente Perfecto Progresivo):

(How long has the research been being done?).

Pasado Perfecto:

I knew why I had been chosen.

(Pasado Perfecto Progresivo):

(I wondered how long I'd been being followed).


You'll be told in advance.

(Futuro Progresivo):

(You'll be being told in the near future).

Futuro Perfecto:

Everything will have been done by the 26th.

(Futuro Perfecto Progresivo):

(By next Christmas, that bridge will have been being built for three years).

'Going to':

Who's going to be invited.

Estructuras Modales:

He ought to be shot.

You might have been hurt.

Notese el infinitivo pasivo - to be shot, to be invited - y el infinitivo pasivo perfecto - (to) have been hurt en los últimos tres ejemplos. Formas pasivas del '' también existen:

She likes being looked at.


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