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Gay couples

Enviado por   •  4 de Abril de 2017  •  Ensayo  •  470 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  141 Visitas

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Gay Adoption

Adoption is the act of giving a new home to a kid. Today there many children in the orphanage many children there were abandoned by their parents. Every child deserver to have family. Every child deserve to have a family should not care if they are two parents, two mother or father and mother. Gay couples should be permitted to adoption children because kids need family, ’’Common couples’’ do not adopt many children, Gay couples are the same a other couples.

One reason that is kids need family. Family is a group consisting of two parents and their children living together as a unit. Every child deserves to have the love of family. Love of family is paramount for the development of children for the future .Every child who live in an orphanage longing to have caretakers. We should not deny children to have a family.

Another reason that  ‘’Common couples’’ do not adopt many children. According the laws the pair formed by a man and woman can adopt children. Most ‘’ Common couples’’ who married opt to have their own children .The are few couples that adopt children this means that fewer children have family. Also many "common couples" believe that adopting is a much more complicated form of parenting.

A final reason is gay couples are the same a other couples. Gay couples no longer have to hide as before .  In the last year the concept of family that had our parent and grandparents has been enriched by new forms of pair and new types of family.  Gay couples can also provide foster home  and take care ad children.  The only thing a child needs to be happy is love nonmatter how. Why not allow homosexual couples to adopt.

People who appose a gay couple adopting child say that children living with gay couples will be gay in the future.  However studies have shown that children who have homosexual parents or lesbian mothers are as happy with themselves and with their own gender as are friends with heterosexual parents.  Children of homosexual parents do not show any difference in choosing their friends activities or interests compared to children whose parents are heterosexual.  When they are adults their professional choice and life style are like these of children raise by heterosexual parents.

For this reason gay couples should be adopt.   Homosexual couples should be given the same opportunities as heterosexual couples.   Gay adoption everywhere would benefit our society having loving home in which orphaned children.  Children wouldn’t be harmfully affected growing up with homosexual parents they would be more than likely to be grateful.  Gay adopt is a  positive solution to the number of  children that go each year without a loving home and family.  



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