Enviado por Eckamn • 27 de Septiembre de 2015 • Informe • 1.185 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 233 Visitas
Project of Hippies: Summary[pic 1]
Team 5: Andrea Rosete
Valeria Rivera
Michelle Gómez
Eckamn Rodríguez
English Level 6
Teacher: Silvia González Goytia
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The purpose of this summary is to expand, meet, inform and compared on the hippie culture that was formed in the 1960s, in the State of California (United States). The Haight-Ashbury was the place where it all began. A group of young people of the town began to share anti-war and anarchy pacifist ideas, enacting a framework for rejection of Western materialistic culture. They had a completely different to the people of that time, also their own clothes, music and policies they were created over time ideology.
Community adopted a way of life or nomadic lifestyle, renounced nationalism and the Vietnam War, took aspects of religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and religions of Native Americans. They disagreed with traditional values of the American middle class. They regarded the government paternalism, industrial corporations and traditional social values as part of a single establishment, it had no legitimacy. Finally, the hippies were against the materialistic society and the homogeneity of the system, thanks to the important mass that had the group of hippies, then other related movements gained momentum as the fight against ethnic discrimination, women's liberation, gay liberation and the tolerance.
The word hippie derives from hipster that was often used to describe the subculture prior to the Beat Generation (group of people in the 50’s that rejected American values)
But the really creator of this word was Michael Fallon because he used in San Francisco newspaper to refer to the Beat Generation.
As we had mentioned in the introduction, the hippie movement was born in America in the 60's and early 70's. This movement was motivate by the injustices of the Vietnam war. They create this movement when the society was very orthodox in some ideas of the life, but for some people young this represents the free way to express ideas or sentiments that the majority of people didn't understand.
They had an ideology that consisted in:
1° The base of this movement was the peace and love
2° They were free to do what they wanted and thought.
3° Respect for the others hippies in all the ways because the most important for they was the peace.
4° They were disagree in all related with violence.
5° They were not agree with the politic.
Social, political and cultural repercussions.
The main repercussions are manifested in his main ideas on this movement, although hippies were despised by the utopian society because they believed that all the hippies and caused social disorder were a bad influence on liberal ideas they had. Maybe then the utopian society was right because often the hippies used drugs and hallucinogens to " be in tune with nature ," also some hippies who participated in sexual activities with the excuse they needed to live intensely. The hippies of the '60s had a philosophy, which consists in certain characteristics:
- Lifestyle stripped of material needs; mainly they are pursuing community life, pacifism and free love They were 'pro-nuclear disarmament', from which the most representative hippie symbol, which is then associated with the slogan "love and peace"
- They wanted to reach a state of higher consciousness and spirituality through meditation
- They were defenders of the ecology
- They were not in favor of drug use, which the hippies of the 70 ignored this point and began to use drugs, the most famous were cocaine, LSD and marihuana
The principal motto
There were 2 principal mottos that reflected the idea of hippies:
Peace and love…..make love, not war
Symbols and images
The symbols of the hippies were characterized by large bladed bright colors, give a positive message and create icons totally unusual. Here we find the famous symbol of "love and peace".
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Music and fashion
In musical matter they liked to listen, interpret and compose psychedelic rock, progressive rock, Local folk music, folk-rock and New Age When. When they composed songs, basically they wanted to express their protests and their dissatisfaction with the world.