Ingles Vocabulary
Enviado por EstefaniaReal • 6 de Julio de 2013 • 2.132 Palabras (9 Páginas) • 467 Visitas
Vocabulary Unit 9
1. A part or portion of something owned, allotted to, or contributed by a person or group
2. (Often Plural) Any of the equal parts, usually of low par value, into which the capital stock of a company is divided: ownership of shares carries the right to receive a proportion of the company's profits
1. To come or go into (a place, house, etc)
2. To penetrate or pierce
3. (Transitive) To introduce or insert
1. (Of A Plastic) Having been foamed during manufacture by the introduction of a gas in order to make a light packaging material or heat insulator: expanded polystyrene
1. The limits within which a person or thing can function effectively
2. The limits within which any fluctuation takes place: a range of values
3. The total products of a manufacturer, designer, or stockist: the new autumn range
1. To move (a vessel) into the water
2. To move (a newly built vessel) into the water for the first time
3. (Transitive) To start off or set in motion: to launch a scheme
1. To further or encourage the progress or existence of
2. To raise to a higher rank, status, degree, etc
3. To advance (a pupil or student) to a higher course, class, etc
1. One or the other (of two): either coat will do
2. (As Pronoun): Either is acceptable
3. Both one and the other: there were ladies at either end of the table
Sell (Sells, Selling, Sold) /
1. To dispose of or transfer or be disposed of or transferred to a purchaser in exchange for money or other consideration; put or be on sale
2. To deal in (objects, property, etc): he sells used cars for a living
3. (Transitive) To give up or surrender for a price or reward: to sell one's honour
1. The Two; two considered together: both dogs were dirty
2. (As Pronoun): Both are to blame
1. Encouragement, improvement, or help: a boost to morale
2. An upward thrust or push
3. An Increase or rise
1. To make or become greater in extent, volume, size, or scope; increase
2. To spread out or be spread out; unfold; stretch out
3. (Intransitive) Often followed by on: to enlarge or expatiate on (a story, topic, etc) in detail
1. Being below one or more other things: the lower shelf, the lower animals
2. Reduced in amount or value: a lower price
3. (Of a limit or bound) less than or equal to one or more numbers or variables
1. The past tense and past participle of sell
1. Sold on ⇒ SLANG uncritically attached to or enthusiastic about
1. To Apply or exert weight, force, or steady pressure on: he pressed the button on the camera
2. (Transitive) To squeeze or compress so as to alter in shape or form
3. To apply heat or pressure to (clothing) so as to smooth out or mark with creases; iron
1. Any public notice, as a printed display in a newspaper, short film on television, announcement on radio, etc, designed to sell goods, publicize an event, etc
1. (Transitive) to permit (to do something); let
2. (Transitive) to set aside: five hours were allowed to do the job
3. (Transitive) to let enter or stay: they don't allow dogs
1. A large board used for displaying advertising posters, as by a road
Also called (esp US and Canadian): billboard
2. A temporary wooden fence erected round a building or demolition site
Slam (Slams, Slamming, Slammed)
1. To cause (a door or window) to close noisily and with force or (of a door, etc) to close in this way
2. (transitive) to throw (something) down noisily and violently
3. (transitive) SLANG to criticize harshly
1. To copy or transfer (data or a program) into the memory of one computer system from a larger one
1. A file transferred onto a computer from another computer or the internet
Undertake ( -Takes, -Taking, -Took, -Taken)
1. (Transitive) to contract to or commit oneself to (something) or (to do something): to undertake a job, to undertake to deliver the goods
2. (transitive) to attempt to; agree to start
Vocabulary Unit 10
1. The act or means of getting rid of something
2. Placement or arrangement in a particular order
3. A specific method of tending to matters, as in business
4. The act or process of transferring something to or providing something for another
5. The power or opportunity to make use of someone or something (esp in the phrase at one's disposal)
1. The first step or action of a matter; commencing move: he took the initiative, a peace initiative
2. The right or power to begin or initiate something: he has the initiative
3. The ability or attitude required to begin or initiate something
1. Preceded by can, could, etc: to be able to do or spare something, esp without incurring financial difficulties or without risk of undesirable consequences
2. To give, yield, or supply
1. Suitable for one's purpose or needs; opportune
2. Easy to use
3. Close by or easily accessible; handy
1. To pass (a substance) through a system again for further treatment or use
2. To reclaim (packaging or products with a limited useful life) for further use
3. To institute a different cycle of processes or events in (a machine, system, etc)
1. The desirability of a thing, often in respect of some property such as usefulness or exchangeability; worth, merit, or importance
1. External conditions or surroundings, esp those in which people live or work
2. The external surroundings in which a plant or animal lives, which tend to influence its development and behavior
Friendly ( -Lier, -Liest)
1. Showing or expressing liking, goodwill, or trust
2. On the same side; not hostile
3. Tending or disposed to help or support; favourable: a friendly breeze helped them escape
1. In; inside; enclosed or encased by
2. Before (a period of time) has elapsed: within a week
3. Not beyond the limits of; not differing