Inglés II MII-U2- Actividad 1. Práctica De La Gramática Del Módulo II
Enviado por Campanita21 • 2 de Diciembre de 2013 • 362 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 2.635 Visitas
Inglés II
MII-U2- Actividad 1. Práctica de la gramática del Módulo II
TUTOR(A): María Ollin Herrera Luna
1) Forma 3 oraciones usando "used to" comparando hábitos en el pasado con acciones actuales. Subraya los verbos.
1. I used to play soccer, now only hockey play
2. Before not used to dance, I dance now the tribal fusion belly dance and ballet classic.
3. Girl used to eat gelatin, now only eats flan.
2) Forma 3 oraciones expresando causa y efecto usando "if + presente simple" con "will +verbo", Subraya "if + presente simple" y "will + verbo".
1. If you now exercise, over time you will feel better.
2. If you study enough, then you will not need to study both.
3. If you go to the fair with me, you will have fun much
3) Forma 3 oraciones usando verbos compuestos. Escoge tres de la siguiente lista: break down , call back, call off, check out, cross out, fill out, figure out, put on, sit down, turn off, take after.
Subraya los verbos compuestos.
1. I need you to call me back; I need to talk with you.
2. Do not play with the phone that break down.
3. Call off my appointment this afternoon, do not arrive on time.
Name: __________________________________________________________________________
1) Forma 3 oraciones correctas usando los modales (de preferencia con “would”, pero se puede usar “could” una vez) para expresar preferencia. Subraya los modales.
It would like to swim today if the water is warm.
John would enjoy making dinner for us.
1. Eliza could cook a delicious dessert for us.
2. I would like to visit our ranch today, if it does not rain.
3. Ariadne could help my daughter with homework, if you have time.
2) Forma 3 oraciones usando los gerundios e infinitivos.
Subraya los gerundios, infinitivos, y la expresión de gusto.
I prefer to go to bed early.
We enjoy singing traditional songs.
1. We like ballroom dancing.
3) Forma 3 oraciones usando las clausulas relativas. No se puede repetir. Subraya el pronombre relativo (“that”, “which”, “who” y “whose”). Determinar si es: defining o non- defining.
Sally has to take care of her grandmother, who is sick. Non- defining
I might like to go to college that offers engineering. Defining