La Enseñanza Y La Uatonomia
Enviado por nazho19bo • 18 de Mayo de 2014 • 275 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 151 Visitas
Key concepts in EFL
Task-based learning and pedagogy
Ignacio Bolaños Mejia
The task-based approach to language teaching has evolved in response to a better understand of the way languages are learnt, the traditional way when learners must master de language in order to learn the language, in this, the language is shown to the learners and they have to learn as if the follow steps. The PPP model of language teaching (presentation, practice, and performance) represents an important way to teach where the teachers teach the language in a syllabus model, where the errors are evidence of poor learning. In contrast, the contemporary view of language learning breaks into the old models, because of new research in linguistics and psychology have demonstrated that learners do not acquire the target language as it is present to them, the language is acquire in a natural process following its own agenda. It means that errors are part of learning.
Many task-based approaches have been developed, Probabho (1987), Long and Crookes (1991) They designed two different tasks, however, The tasks have things in common. They give task to the learners to transact; rather than items to learn, also, provide an environment which best promotes the natural language learning.
One disadvantage of task based approach is that It may make learners prioritize a focus on meaning over a focus on a form, but teacher could avoid it if they apply a balance task focus on meaning and with form, like Skehan (1996) or Willis (1996) did. Continue research into task may make a difference in order to improve task- based in benefice to learn languages.