- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

MIV-U1 Actividad 2. Additional Practice With "but" And "and"/Práctica Adicional En El Uso De "but" Y "and"

Enviado por   •  7 de Abril de 2015  •  246 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  976 Visitas

Instrucciones: Copia en un documento Word los siguientes ejercicios para enviar a tu tutor:

Exercise 1

Completa los enunciados utilizando but o and. Puedes buscar las palabras que desconozcas en tu diccionario.

1. In summer, it is hot and dry.

2. The car was expensive, but I bought it.

3. It was a very long week, and by Friday I was exhausted.

4. The exam was difficult, but I passed!

5. Hanna is smart and beautiful.

6. The bridge looks steady but it is dangerous to cross it because it is very old.

7. I handed my homework late and the teacher did not accept it.

8. She’s a nice teacher but she’s too strict sometimes.

9. It was a beautiful day, but it started to rain.

My sister is very busy, but she finds the time to help as a volunteer in the local hospital.

Exercise 2 Composition

Revisa la composición que escribiste en MIV-U1 Actividad 1 Situaciones imaginarias. Mejora la claridad de tu texto añadiendo las palabras and y but.

In my communitythere are many problemsforall carsthat pollute, in the country andthey began to seethe carsthat pollutea lot andcannolonger be drivenevery daytogoreducing pollutionin our country.For the same reasonthat carsare oldandstarting togeta lot of smokethen that iswhatmakes the countrycontamination.What Iariato preventserious pollutionto stop usingcarsunlessit is an emergencyand gocycling orwalkingto avoid contaminatingand have aclean country. Andtoavoid somebreathingdiseases.

this wholesituation's talkedamong all neighborsand some saidthat ifthey agreedtotakemorebikecars, butother neighborsdo not agreethatthere is no longermorepollutionhaveto agreeeveryonebut unfortunatelyarenotand will notbeable to do anythinguntilpeople change theiropinion.

But there are also a lot of pollution by setting fire to the forest, burning


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