Metodos Gramaticos
Enviado por Teresa931406 • 15 de Marzo de 2015 • 512 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 209 Visitas
On the contrary, condoms were invented as barrier methods of contraception. The main reason that condoms sometime fail is incorrect or inconsistent use, not the failure of the condom itself. The irresponsible or dangerous behavior has been induced in the world by ancient generations, which left us active social agents that can be offset with condoms. Psychological reports indicated that 78% engaged in genital intercourse, and while 20% always used a condom, 44% used condoms less than half the time. Of the 10% engaged in anal sex, 90% did not use condoms. All students at highest risk were using condoms least often. All of them reported knowing AIDS was transmitted sexually. Nonetheless, reasons given for not using condoms were belief they knew their partner’s sexual history or another form of birth control was being used. Results suggest that outcome studies are needed to assess programs which focus on behavioral change, including use of condoms. This is why it is harder for me to think how the access to condoms could lead to irresponsible behavior.
Sexual and reproductive health services are absent or of poor quality and underused in many countries because discussion of issues such as sexual intercourse and sexuality make people feel uncomfortable. Unsafe sex is the second most important risk factor for disability and death in the world's poorest communities and the ninth most important in developed countries only to irresponsible behavior by omitting the use of condoms. Cheap effective interventions such condoms are available to prevent unintended pregnancy, provide safe abortions, help women safely through pregnancy and prevent and treat sexually transmitted infections. As a correspondence to ANNA GLASIER, who works in the Lothian Family Planning Service, commented that yet every year, more than 120 million couples have an unmet need for contraception, 80 million women have unintended pregnancies (45 million of which end in abortion), more than half a million women die from complications associated with pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, and 340 million people acquire new gonorrhoea, syphilis, chlamydia, or trichomonas infections. Sexual and reproductive ill-health mostly affects women and adolescents. Women are disempowered in much of the developing world and adolescents, arguably, are disempowered everywhere.
However, adolescents in the world are currently acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Every year there are more relevant AIDS indices in selected adolescent populations. The high prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases and sexual risk behaviors emphasize the need for the urgent development and implementation of programs that effectively reduce AIDS related risk behaviors, particularly unprotected sexual intercourse. Thanks to adolescents’ irresponsible behaviors and avoiding the condom’s use, although them currently account for less than 1% of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)