- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Oraciones En Presente Perfecto Y Presente Continuo

Enviado por   •  7 de Febrero de 2014  •  377 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  683 Visitas

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Sentences in present perfect.

1.-You have worked very hard for a long time.

2.-They have spoken about Germany and France.

3.-He has lived in Canada since 1989.

4.-I have played tennis since 2007.

5.-We have planned our holidays for a little time.

6.-She has cooked some sweets cakes for a few days.

7.-The Pearson family has lived in its town since 1950

8.-I have ever painted a Picasso’s picture

9.-The dog has already eaten a bone. 10.-Haven’t you drunk a cup of coffee, yet?

Sentences in the present perfect continuous.

1.-She has been visiting the museum for two hours.

2.-They have been playing cards for the last 30 minutes.

3.-He has been fishing in the lake for over two hours.

4.-My parents have been traveling abroad since April.

5.-Susan has been cleaning the kitchen since 2 o’clock. 6.-My mother has been cooking dinner for hours.

7.-You have been listening to classical music for one hour.

8.-They have been drinking red wine since 8 o’clock.

9.-Your sister has been buying a lot of things lately.

10.-Robert has been writing letters all morning.


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