- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Reforma Hacendaria

Enviado por   •  19 de Enero de 2014  •  408 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  316 Visitas

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In conclusion without partisan dyes rescue that tax reform has its pros and cons , of course as a citizen living in border wished that everything left as is unless approval , but other than that , I think that is a reform that has very good benefits and that many of those now complain of the tax package we will benefit from it, because if the maquilas are closed in the worst scenario presented to us , nor think that happens because even when we raise taxes continue competitive, good on the assumption that we stay unemployed , because we have to make immediate use of unemployment insurance . It is also our duty as citizens to read and stay approved, and that a proposal , which would have to pay taxes on mortgages in tuition , among other things that in the end did not enter the tax package and another point if it was included was presented and unfortunately came included in this tax package , consisting of the approval of 16% with the rest of the country and I emphasize this point with which I disagree because only those who live in border I know how different our economy manages to rest of the country , but good for a fact that this cup we had postponed and since we arrived, what a personal way I feel positive of this reform is not imposed VAT on food and medicine , not imposed VAT on tuition , not imposes VAT or for sale or for rent house room , does not apply to mortgage interest tax , VAT levies no public entertainment or sporting events. Income of 90% of the population is protected with a new ISR which gives greater progressivity to the tax from $ 500,000 pesos in annual revenue , sets the amount of deductible expenses , employment is protected border offering agile certification scheme for temporary imports does not affect the maquiladoras ( why mention that the worst scenario that raised us is not viable because even with we have other advantages that will allow us to remain competitive in this area. Eliminates tax Company flat rate ( flat tax ) and tax on cash deposits (IDE ) disappears , these are just some of the items that I found interesting about. this is my personal analysis and is performed as a simple concern in this issue of such economic importance .


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