Зasado simple voz pasiva
Enviado por tuliob11 • 16 de Noviembre de 2017 • Documentos de Investigación • 422 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 342 Visitas
pasado simple voz pasiva
para que sirve
se utiliza principalmente para dar enfasis a la accion y no a quien la realiza:
se limpio la casa hoy
los postres estan hechos
como hacemos afirmaciones?
se limpio la casa hoy
the house was cleaned today
los postres estaban hechos
the desserts were made
en español tenemos varias formas de pasiva. en ingles utilizaremos la misma estructura en ambos casos
como hacemos negaciones
no se limpio la casa hoy
the house was not cleaned today
los postres no estaban hechos
the desserts were not made
la forma contraida para decir no es la mas comun
como hacemos preguntas?
se limpio la casa hoy?
was the house cleaned today?
estaban los postres hechos?
were the desserts made?
para formacion de preguntas necesitamos invertir el verbo to be
como respondemos?
was the house cleaned today?
yes; it was/ no; it wasnt
were the desserts made?
yes; they were/ no, they werent
las respuestas cortas son muy comunes por que cuando hablamos evitamos repetir la pregunta completa.
la voz pasiva de pasado se forma con el verbo to be en pasado junto al participio de los verbos
s+ was- were+participio de verbo+ resto de la frase
normalmente encontraremos que el participio de los verbos coincide con la forma de pasado
work worked worked
sin embargo los verbos irregulares tienen una forma diferente para el participio
go- went- gone
past simple passive voice
what is it for
It is mainly used to give emphasis to the action and not to whoever performs it:
the house was cleaned today
the desserts are made
How do we make affirmations?
the house was cleaned today
the house was cleaned today
the desserts were made
the desserts were made
In Spanish we have several forms of passive. in English we will use the same structure in both cases
how do we deny
the house is not cleaned today
the house was not cleaned today
the desserts were not made
the desserts were not made
the contracted way to say is not the most common
How do we ask questions?
Was the house cleaned today?
Was the house cleaned today?
were the desserts made?
were the desserts made?
for question formation we need to invert the verb to be