- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Rachel Molokai´

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ESL 119                                                                                         Name:

                                                Name         ahmed.abdalla                                

Reading Circles – Moloka`i

Role: Summarizer


The Summarizer’s job is to give a one or two minute statement that covers the most important events in the reading. The other members of your group will be counting on you to give a summary that will remind them of the key points, the main ideas, and the action that occurs in the story. You may need to read the chapter(s) more than one time to give a good summary.

        •        Write a one-paragraph summary about the pages. Be sure to include only the most important details in the story-line (plot). DO NOT include quotes or your own opinions of the chapter(s). 150 words minimum, 250 maximum! Please include your word count.

At the beginning of this chapter, sister catherine apologized to sister victoria for "abandoning" her the day of the beach trip in a trip, and explaining to her how she was affraid of diseases .later on that day, Sister catherine went to the dormintory,and found that rachel didn't go to school, Due to the sadness inside her. Rachel wasn't behaved when she was talking to Sister Catherine so that sister catherine slapped her on the face. Rachel cried ,and then she ran. out of the dormintory,into the rain.While sister catherine was praying to god for forgiveness.One of the sisters saw Rachel into the rain ,she yeld on Rachel and grabbed Richal roughly by the hand,mistaking the tears on her cheeks for rain,and led her back to the dormintory.Rachel after thatl started thinking about her family and imagining  what they are doing. When afternoon came rachel asked sister leopoldina, why she cannot see her uncle pono?  While uncle pono was having a rough time  with the leprosy disease .haleola was worried about pono's health. A Doctor called olivir  came to check pono's health and found that he got infection of the kidneys.Doctor olivir recommended pono to take some tablets to make him feel good.  

the board of health sent a letter to pono saying that " the board of health has forwarded his letter of 29 december 1893,as their agent on moloka'i (Olivir) and as superintendent for the leper settlement,and saying that his niece Rachel in save with the sisters.  Rachel had to see uncle pono.Something wrong and no one would tell her what was going on, so she'd just have to go see by herself. Rachel ran of the "bishop home" at midnight to see her uncle pono. She had an adventure on her way to unkle pono’s house. The next morning ,sisters started looking for Rachel  


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