- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

El valor de la honestidad en la práctica de la amistad

Enviado por   •  12 de Marzo de 2013  •  Ensayo  •  419 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  455 Visitas

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A very important quality in the personality of every human being in the world, everyone is looking for ways to be honest or get honesty but not the global population does get what they want. Nowadays we seek what comes easily and not ezfurzo need any of us to get it and that leaves us to conclude that the end comes out better or is easier to resort to dishonesty or mentirosossin of the consequences that this brings desision.

Honesty is not only be honest but also of being able to convince others to be honest q. This attitude seed self confidence and those who are in contact with the honest.

I think all that urge is that we have people close to honesty as a priority not an afterthought as unimportant as this is one of the most important qualities in man and also that part of the relationship we will have with the person, no one wants to interact with dishonest or deceitful iinventan always an excuse or something to get out of trouble and in the end they do is hurt by what they say or do.

Honesty is not only a time or a recurrence and honesty must be forever does not mean that once we assume the truth but on the other anymore. We must be very aware of what we look at, say, and do not attempt to hurt the other person on what we say or try to convey.

Honesty is all up with what we feel, then we fail even in that saying things you really do not want to say or do things that were not really our intention to perform, but also just to seek the good of others trying not to hurt ... When eventually ends up well.

We must be aware of our actions, knowing that can happen if we act with dishonesty or lying just because if in any circumstance affect in a work situation, companionship, dating, in a marriage, friendship or perhaps a brotherhood because if you lie to cover a lie over and over this will be bigger and hurt more and more people want.

Honesty is essential in practicing it in her friendship because this relationship becomes solid due to the trust they have in between people or friends.

An honest person is characterized by being sincere, truthful, responsible and makes people feel confident of her or him. Honesty is essential in social life and this is learned at home and develops in social places like work, study and more.


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