Enviado por ferivero90 • 24 de Marzo de 2015 • 368 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 440 Visitas
Today, I am gonna talk about weed but especially what will pass in México if it's legalized or if it doesn't ; I know, that it is a very trite subject that why I will try to keep a critical stance.
People have cultivated weed throughout history it has been always used as a source of industrial fibre, seed oil, food,recreation, religious and spiritual moods.
Fistly, in the federal constitution of the united mexican states in the article fourth it is mention the “general health law” in which article 479 explains the maximum dosage of drugs among which is marihuana whit 5 grams , I am only talking about México.
Now, I’m gonna show you different points of view some of them are in favor and some against. None are my opinion or point of view, All is based on information of books and internet.
In favor.
• Prohibition has failed to control the use and domestic production of marijuana.
• There has not been reported a death caused by marijuana
• Legalized marijuana would reduce the flow of money from the American economy to international criminal gangs
• Would simplify the development of hemp as a valuable and diverse agricultural crop, including the development as a new bio fuel to reduce carbon emissions
• Prohibition is based on lies and lack of information
• It is not a lethal drug and is safer than alcohol
It is perceived as addictive
It has not medical use
It is associated with unfashionable lifestyles.
illicit trafficking, and violence.
Car accidents
It distorts perception, reduces motor skills, and affects alertness
If México legalize marijuana, the number of marijuana users would increase ,eventually this will pass because we are not a conscious country.
Marijuana is often used as a stepping-stone drug, leading to heroin, cocaine, or other harder drugs.
Now that you know all about legalizing marihuana I will espose my point of view, and it’s that I’m partial about the consumers of marihuana I respect all people and their tastes, but I’m against the marihuana legalizing because that will increase de production, the narcotrafic and the accidents because we live in a country where people are not conscious and polite and that will increase violence and I think is the last thing that México needs nowadays.