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Speech Of Bush In General Assembly

Enviado por   •  5 de Abril de 2015  •  466 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  276 Visitas

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Speech of Bush

Six years ago (since the speech of Bush) the UN gathered to reaffirm faith in fundamental rights through security. But the new challenge is the wave of violent extremists. They are against the values of the United Nations and the world. (He persuade about the extremist attack towards the international territory). Multilateral organizations are essential for these action against countries that still have tyranny. (He invites them to fight together). Some ways of attacking are suicide bombings, hostage-taking and hijacking. Other multilateral organization have spoken as well about the conflict as the G8 and the Organization of the Islamic conference telling that these actions are not part of the Islam. Some activities of multilateral organizations are: shared intelligence, joint operations and freezing finances of terrorist, although it hasn’t been enough. Afghanistan and Iraq have passed to democracies that fight terror. Saudi Arabia and Pakistan pursuit terrorism. Syria and Iran sponsored terrorism. Want to impose sanctions against North Korea and Iran. The UN Charters commitments is: “the dignity and worth of the human person” (esta era una pregunta de las preguntas que nos dio la miss). People has chosen governments that respect the rights of the people. Afghanistan, Iraq and Liberia, the Orange Revolution in Georgia and the Cedar Revolution in Kyrgystan are examples of people demanding their liberty. Nations in the UN support the reformers by the new United Nations Democracy Fund. Multilateral organizations should continue to stand in favor of the brave countries that look for liberty. The UN is taking actions in Iraq by trying to strength democracy. Need to give support to Lebanon in its search for independence and to Palestian territories. “Equal rights of nations large and small”. Russia’s invasion to Georgia was a violation of this. To support Georgia the UN has worked along with the European Union and Nato. Extending the reach of political freedom is essential to fight the current problems and advances in security interests. Causes of hopelessness are poverty, disease and ignorance. UN needs to carry out efforts for education, health and prosperity. The success most be measured by results. US launched an iniciative in the MIllenium Challenge Account that demonstrates their help to countries to govern justly, fight corruption and help in a market-basef economy. Bush mentions adoptinf partnership, not paternalism. America has fough HIV/AIDS. The G8 wants to help to fight malaria and HIV. Trade and investments helps society. The Doha Round (doesn’t explained what it is) failed. Although, nations stand firm against economic isolation. The goals the president proposes for Multilateral organizations are: confronting terror, opposing tyranny and promote effective development. There must be a review of the Human Right Council, and help to the people of Burma. (And at the end he ends with a positive quote of


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