- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

7 Pecados Capitales

Enviado por   •  12 de Agosto de 2014  •  406 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  183 Visitas

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Purgatory has the specific function of atonement, reflection and repentance, and is just across the road, as pilgrimage to God, the soul can hope for redemption. This also applies to Dante, who at first has recorded seven P foreheads, symbolize of them, indicating that the specific sin has been atoned.

As you can see in the picture Dante path far more serious sin the slightest, every turn has a guardian angel also each one of these sins have a punishment.

1. LUST= it’s the first of the list, consist about sexual thoughts, desire and fornicate. (lujiria)

= this sin is condemned to burn in a big fire.

2. ENVY= it has relation with the greed however the envy desire something that someone else has. (envidia)

= this sin is punished with silicon on the back and taking sew eyelids.

3. ANGER= it’s a feeling that leads to the hatred and resentment.(ira)

= the punishment shall be enclosed with a cloud of smoke greater than keeping them in darkness hell

4. SLOTH= I suppose that it’s the demon that grips up when each one of us start to do something hard, difficult o bored.(pereza)

=Punishmet will be this person have to run without stop.

5. GREED= this sin is the most viewed in the women, consist about the money in some words people like to have money and they are obsessed with the money. (Avaricia)

= punishment will be they have to be with their hands and feet tied and the head close to the ground.

6. GLUTTONY= Its one of the most exquisite sins because you don’t get tired to eat if the food is delicious, no mere.(Gula)

=punishment will be that they are forced to not eat while look full of fruit trees around theirs.

7. And the last one is PRIDE= this sin consist when someone has very high ego, his personality is not equal to other. (Orgullo)

=punishment will be someone have to drag with stones on her back

Purgatorio tiene la función específica de la expiación, la reflexión y el arrepentimiento, y está al otro lado de la carretera, como la peregrinación a Dios, el alma puede esperar la redención. Esto también se aplica a Dante, que en un primer momento ha grabado siete frentes P, simbolizan de ellos, lo que indica que el pecado ha sido expiado específica.

Como se puede ver en la imagen de Dante camino pecado mucho más grave la menor, cada vez tiene un ángel de la guarda también cada uno de estos pecados tienen un castigo.


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