American revolutionary war: the summary
Enviado por mercy_sen • 19 de Junio de 2023 • Apuntes • 269 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 132 Visitas
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taxes | Boston Tea Party | tea | over 6 years | demands | representation | row materials | commander-in-chief |
colonized | 1776 | 1773 | Great Britain | “Sons of Liberty” | harbour | French | costs |
By the end of 18th century, the whole of the Eastern coast of North America had been _____________________. There were 13 colonies ruled by______________. At first, the colonies were allowed to govern themselves in many ways. But later, Britain made many __________________ on the colonies: they should supply the mother country with _________________________ and not compete in manufacturing, pay high ________________, which American were opposed to since for them, it was “taxation without any___________________” – unfair taxation. (The British Parliament did not contain any American-elected members.) In this way, the British wanted the colonies to pay the “French and Indian war_______________”. The colonists did not want to pay their debts. The discontent rose, and for the colonists it became more and more important to govern themselves. One of the most important events on the road to the revolution was_________________________. It happened in December_______________________, when British Parliament announced that the only company that could sell tea to America, and without any import duties, was British West India Company. A group of Patriots, _____________________ then bordered the three ships and threw the ______________ into the sea causing millions of dollars of loss. After this event, as a punishment British Parliament closed Boston_________________ . But the war became inevitable; the colonists started to boycott the goods from outside. They made George Washington their____________________.
The American Independence War lasted for_________________. They were helped by___________________ , who provided them with important military and economic assistance. The formal Declaration of Independence was made on 4 July ________________.