- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Argumento A Favor De Las Bombas Atomicas De Hiroshima Y Nagasaki

Enviado por   •  25 de Marzo de 2015  •  492 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  377 Visitas

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Argumento A Favor De Las Bombas Atomicas De Hiroshima Y Nagasaki

- Are there still ethnic problems in that region today?

In the region of Bosnia - Herzegovina, nowadays there is still ethnic problems as a result of the war in Bosnia. This conflict originated with the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia and the end of the Cold War but was a direct result of the exaltation of ethnic and nationalist ideals among different regions. This region has always been a multiethnic, with most Bosnians and Serbs and Croats and lesser extent Yugoslavs; which in turn are divided by religious beliefs among Muslims, Orthodox Christians and Catholics. The presence of ethnic groups with strong religious and extremist links have been fomenting internal divisions in that region, as a result of war crimes and many of their ethnic massacres and mass rape and sexual; that still remain outstanding from prosecution. The discontent among the population by those truths that are still pending prosecution as well as the economic crisis and current policy, have been increased inter-ethnic conflict. Recently in the past month of February 2014, the economic and social situation itself, along with unemployment of the population led nationwide demonstrations that led to violent confrontations with the police.

- Is there still violence in that area of the world today? If so, how?

In this area, the violence between the different ethnic groups remain. Each side is still justifying last Bosnian war as necessary. In addition to this situation of ethnic differences, in the last two decades the economic and political crises have led to a complex social situation. The violence has been manifested in the recent clashes in last February across the country. Protesters have clashed with police and have burned and destroyed several buildings and paralyzed the whole country. Unemployment and the crisis have been the trigger for these manifestations of violence.

- Is there a solution to these ethnic issues, if so, what?

I consider that this situation in the region of Bosnia-Herzegovina is very complex, especially because of the economic and political crisis that it has increased in the last two decades after the war. I think that there is no a possible solution in short terms to a situation that brings a conflict for decades and even the United Nations has been trying to solve. A possible solution in short time is very difficult if it is remain ethnic differences and religious differences , coupled with war crimes and massacres that are still unpunished in this country. There must be a willingness of all ethnicities and peoples of the region to try to heal their differences and leave behind so much hatred and discord. That is very difficult when very close to massacres and genocides like Srebrenica city memories when Serbs killed 8,000 Bosnian civilians. When there is so much accumulated hatred and crimes remain prosecute without,


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