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Egyptians Vs Chinese

Enviado por   •  8 de Noviembre de 2013  •  357 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  225 Visitas

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Hunting and Gathering vs Agricultural

Our early ancestors usually met there needs by hunting and gathering for necessities such as food and berries to eat, fur for forms of shelter and clothing, plants for medicines, and a lot more. Later on, people moved on up to a form of life known as agriculture. Agriculture was starting to be known as a more common way of life, but people still hunted and gathered in certain areas around the world. To most people, agriculture is a more suitable and easier way of living life. Although there are a lot of major differences between the two lifestyles, there are similarities as well.

Agriculture was and easier and usually more effective way to get food. People who hunt and gather for food are more commonly really looked down upon people who don’t. People that hunted had to be in a certain shape. Not everyone could become a hunter or gatherer you had to know the right plants, or berries, or how to through a spear and kill an animal.

When you hunt and gather, you are probably more on the desperate side, finding more berries or finding animals, and having a new routine everyday to live. In agriculture, most of the time you will have food in possession to eat, but there is always a high risk of not finding food when you hunt for it. When you farm instead of hunt and gather, life usually comes off as more peaceful and easier because you are not desperate to find food and other necessities. In agriculture, you can mostly control your diet, but when you hunt and gather, what you find is what you get nothing is growing on the side to fill up the rest of you hunger. Therefore, you might not always get filled up or like the food but it is just a matter of survival. So there are definitely some differences between agriculture and hunting and gathering. So we survived using bother but one was more effective than the other sometimes.


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