- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  28 de Septiembre de 2013  •  1.014 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  239 Visitas

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The Holocaust was the persecution and mass murder of millions of Jews, Holocaust is a word of Greek origin meaning "sacrifice by fire." Thought against Jews began after the First World War because Germany was restricted in many ways and the German Jews began to work and recover quickly from the crisis the country faced over the years. The Germans Jews were accused of embezzlement and were blamed for the defeat of Germany in the First World War. The Holocaust began in the night of November 9, 1938 known as "Kristallnacht," or the night of broken glass, the Nazis began to attack and kill the Jews, their shops, homes, synagogues, and all that was them. Finally at the end of WWII in 1945 the Holocaust ended.

Hitler's rise to power in January 1933 marked the end of Jewish emancipation in Germany. During the six years that followed, more than 1,400 anti-Jewish laws were passed in Germany.

On April 1, 1933 an official declaration of an economic boycott against Jewish shops and businesses was created throughout the country. There were many assault, troops, Nazi SS, and hung posters with the following messages: "Do not buy from the Jews" and " The Jews are our misfortune”.

Hittler´s main objective, after the various annexations and invasions of other territories and countries (Poland, Denmark, Norway, France, Yugoslavia, Greece, Russia, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Australia) during the war, was the ethnic cleansing of themselves, as they had become part of Greater Germany. The conquest of Poland, in this sense, brought about a transformation in the treatment of Jewish Question. Suddenly, Germany had met three million Jews rather than manage.

In 1940 there was one of the first mass murders of Polish Jews by the Nazis. Accused by local people of having burned part of the city, the German police killed between 162 and 500 Jews. The same year Hittler established a compulsory period of hard labor for Jews aged 14 to 60 years in eastern Greater Germany.


The original purpose of Ghettos was to temporarily concentrate Jews before deporting, the east, lock them in concentration camps for forced labor or the extermination of Poland itself. However, given the terrible conditions in which life developed for them, this also meant a slow death for many of its inhabitants.

The greatest of all ghettos in German-occupied Poland was Warsaw; with an overpopulation which reached a half million Jews in an area of 3.3 square kilometers.


The Holocaust is directly associated in the popular mind, as "death camps." Although not all Jews who died in Nazi policies did in these fields, the truth is that they were implemented in concentrated form. All these systems and methods make up the extreme violence deployed against Jews by Nazism.

The gassing procedure was as follows:

After entering the victims as if they were cattle in the gas chamber, the SS men who were on the roof, made of reinforced concrete, capsized Zyklon-B in four openings, spilling the balls through ducts with grids, making it possible that the pellets filled with a deadly gas, disbanded as soon as the body heat of the victims had elevated


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