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Enviado por Oscarito Mendoza • 19 de Septiembre de 2015 • Biografía • 367 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 142 Visitas
Manufacturing Technologies
August 19, 2014
Professor Master in Manufacturing Miguel Sanchez
Project Guidelines
Each team has to develop a brand new product from cradle to crave
The team needs to build a functional prototype.
Each team will need to write up a report that should include;
First stage
1.-Describe the customer needs that you are planning to cover with your product.
2.-Detail description of the product and its function.
This will need to be report out on September 2nd, 2015 and need to write up a report 2 pages long not including the cover page.
Second stage
1.- Describe the steps to copy right your product.
2.- Describe how will you plan to fund your product and the costs associated to develop your product.
This will need to be report out on October 14th, 2015 and need to write up a report 2 pages long not including the cover page.
Third stage
-Detail manufacturing process description (including flow process diagram, flow product diagram, quality process control, manufacturing processes to be used, etc.)
-Raw material selection and certification criteria
-Distribution strategy.
-Information about the machinery used by the company to mfg. the product (brand, dimensions, characteristics, etc.)
-Show Functional prototype
The report should be 10 pages long, Pictures and graphs should be included as appendixes and does not count in the 10 pages, include and improve the previous work.
Report due date on November 11, 2015.
Each team will need to do a 20 minutes presentaton.
Grade criteria:
First Report quality 15%
Second Report quality 15%
Final Report quality 30%
Presentation 30%
Self-evaluation 10%
Each report will be graded based on;
Research done during the project stage with supporting documentation (40 points)
Structure of the report. (Introduction, development and conclusions) (20 points)
Quality of the presentation (20 points)
Team Self-evaluations (15 points)
Overall class assessment (5 points)