Hutus vs. Tutsis timeline
Enviado por PawLDR • 26 de Octubre de 2012 • 427 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 491 Visitas
Hutus vs. Tutsis timeline
• Germany took control of Rwanda after 1884 Conference of Berlin.
• In 1926 Belgians created identity cards that distinguished a Hutu from a Tutsi.
• Tutsis tried to separate from the colonial rule in the 1950’s which made Belgians side with the Hutus.
• 1959 when the dispute between the Hutus and the Tutsis broke out, Belgians let Hutus burn down all the Tutsi houses.
• In 1961-1962 Belgium let both Rwanda and Burundi become independent countries.
• After the independence about 10,000 to 100,000 Tutsis were killed .
• 1973 General Habyarimana takes control and creates a one-party state.
• 1993 the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) and Habyarimana signed a peace treaty that allowed the return of the refugees.
• In 1994 radio station Mille Collines began broadcasting orders to kill the Tutsis.
• April of 1994 the genocide began when Habyarimana died in a plane crash close to the Kigali Airport. This upset the Tutsi and they began killing every Tutsi in the village. They carried machetes in hand and killed men, women and children that very night.
• In 100 days about 1 million people were killed.
Genocide- Destruction of a racial political or cultural group.
Inter-Ethnic Violence- The violence between two or more ethnic groups.
Rwandan Patriotic Front- Political party in Rwanda, it was created by a Tutsi refuge on Uganda in 1987.
Military Coup d’état- A takeover on the government by a military group.
Interamwe- A word the Hutus used, meaning “those who stand, work, and fight together”
Leaders and their influences
General Habyarimana – He was the leader of the Hutu. He was also the extremist leader who commanded the extermination of the Tutsis.
Paul Kagame – He is the president of the Republic of Rwanda. Kagame ended the genocide in July 1994.
Belgium and Germany – Colonizers of Rwanda back in 1884. Germany’s racist ideas began the clash between the Hutus and the Tutsis.
Hutus vs. Tutsis
• Germany’s racial ideas were embedded into both Tutsis and Hutus. Germans believed the Tutsis were natural leaders and the Hutus were arrogant and made them work as farmers.
• Belgium replaced the Hutu chiefs with Tutsis and issued ethnic identity cards, this made the tension between both tribes far more rigid than ever before.
• The shooting of the plane that killed Habyarimana was the spark to the start of the genocide.
• Extremist radio, Mille Collines issued a call to destroy every man, woman,