- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  6 de Octubre de 2014  •  291 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  161 Visitas

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A political ideology is leading the society to something useful, it’s about helping the country, and the society to lead them to something better. Ideology puts out a framework and reasoning for practice. It is an idea of what people will strive for and how they will strive for it; I look on ideology as the foundations and plan of a house. The foundation is in the ideology, and so is the plan. It is, though, a plan that can be changed when needed and it is never set in stone. You slowly build up the house as the plan says, but you leave out the impractical bits and you add in the practical ideas already not in the plan. Any criticism most likely will still positively contribute to the foundation.

Ideologies are universal; have no national boundaries. All conservatives, liberals, socialists, Christian democrats of the world have the same ideology respectively.

All persons who share a liberal ideology advocate the same basic general ideas. A Paraguayan ideologically liberal thinking like an American, German, Spanish , Chinese or South African liberal.

The liberal ideology is the same everywhere. Liberal parties in the world are grouped in a solidarity association founded in 1947 , based in London (England ) , called the Liberal International .

There are three aspects of universal liberal ideology :

1 Political Liberalism

2 Ethical Liberalism;

3 Economic Liberalism

A liberal has to be simultaneously a political , ethical and economic liberal. If you lack the political aspect, it will be a totalitarian; if you lack the ethical aspect, it will be a demagogue; and if you lack the economic aspect, it will be a conservative. The only way to be liberal is to respect and act according to the three aspects of the liberal ideology.


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