- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Independence Day

Enviado por   •  30 de Mayo de 2014  •  335 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  204 Visitas

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In India, Independence Day is observed on the 15th August every year, because on the said day of 1947, India won her freedom from the British rule after about 200 years.

It is a red-lettered day, on which the schools and govern­ment and private offices remain closed. Early in the morning, the young students sing in chorus the national anthem in accompaniment of flute and drum marching together in processions in the streets. National flags are hoisted in the houses, schools, colleges, and offices.

Teachers and leaders assemble in a public place to give their patriotic speeches to the people, promising to save the sovereignty and integrity of our vast country. The great sac­rifice of great Indian leaders who dedicated their valuable lives for the cause-'of the country's freedom in the past, is reverently remembered.

It is a great day for India. In Delhi Red Fort Parade Ground, millions of Indians from different parts of the coun­try gather to listen to the annual speech of the Prime Minister. Many dignitaries at home and also from abroad attend the function.

The tri-colour flag is unfurled by the Prime Minister with the national anthem sung vocally or played on musical instruments. A salute of 31 guns is fired, and from the sky, petals of red roses are showered from the army helicopters in the city streets.

Large and coloured processions composed by the peo­ple from different Indian States pass by the Red Fort in a dis­ciplined manner. The charming march of the army personnel's and also that of the school boys and girls who sing and dance as they march forward, are special attractions. It is, no doubt, a wonderful sight of true national spirit.

Every Indian must take an oath on the Independence Day to remain loyal and patriotic and to save his beloved motherland from any outside attack or humiliation, even at the cost of his life. And we must also feel at heart that all the Indians are our brothers and sisters, and accordingly, we must love and respect them.


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