Islas Malvinas - Version Inglesa
Enviado por ariel_depunta • 4 de Junio de 2013 • 453 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 418 Visitas
Descubrimiento de Malvinas:
The British explorers were the first to discover the islands: John Davis in 1592 and Sir John Hawkins in 1594
and the first landing on the islands was known by British Captain John Strong in 1690
La soberanía inicial de Las Malvinas:
The treaty sales in France and Spain is invalid because Spain recognized the rights of England over the islands
in a later treaty (1771)
Britain has controlled the Falkland Islands for two centuries. Spain took control of Puerto Soledad but never
ventured outside that area. After 1811, Spain never returned and effectively abandoned his claim. The British
claim extends from 1765 and has never been dropped, so HAS priority.
England holds the doctrine of prescription, which states that the sovereignty of a territory can be established
by the peaceful occupation for a period of time.
The Argentina's historical claim over the Falklands is too outdated. The nations can often claim that once
controlled a territory. But if all these claims were recognized, the limits of the world would be chaos.
Herencia de territorios durante la independencia:
The unilateral secession confers no territorial inheritance rights. Argentina achieved independence through
violent means against Spain. Argentina can not inherit more than Spain ceded, as a man can not inherit from
his father who never left him in his will.
La fecha clave de la cuestión 1833: como ocupo Inglaterra las Malvinas?
Argentina's population was not expelled, only military personnel.
The British gave them civilians, directed by Luis Vernet, the option to stay or go, did not exert any pressure
on them to leave and, in fact encouraged some to stay.
The Argentines are in no position to lecture the British on imperialism, that after the recognition of Spain, Argentina
began the annexation of Patagonia, causing the genocide of the natives, an act imperialist FOR excellence.
La cuestión de la geografía
The geography is irrelevant. Sovereignty is not based on belonging to the nearest land mass. Child is an
argument that has no relevance to a serious debate about the rights and freedom of the islanders.
La guerra
The English had A permission to use reasonable force to recover the islands.
On the Belgrano, England had the right to attack anything in self-defense, including military bases
in Argentina if it had been necessary.
Return the Malvinas would be an insult to the soldiers killed in the war.
Los isleños tienen el derecho a la auto determinación?
The vast majority of islanders want to remain British. The wishes of the present inhabitants of the
islands should be paramount. The islanders