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Kkk ku klux klan

Enviado por   •  13 de Septiembre de 2015  •  Apuntes  •  414 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  205 Visitas

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By the 19th century, there were more black people than white in the Southern United States.  Blacks have been always seen as an inferior race, so the white government introduced laws in order to reduce the big number of blacks in USA. At the end of the American Civil War, in 1864/1865, a white supremacy movement started in the southern states called the Ku Klux Klan. Apart from reducing the amount of blacks, it also blamed Jews for many of Americans problems, Catholics, as it claimed that it was protecting Americans Protestant people against the danger of the Catholic Church, communist and immigrants too.  The KKK was mainly followed by people who believed that the best American citizens were white Anglo/Saxon Protestants (WASPs).In the south the klan specialize in black people seeking to scare them and frighten them into submission. They use robes, masks, and terrifying, conical hats to hide their identities. The KKK had a decline, but in 1915 it was revived by the release of the film The Birth of a Nation.  This film made that the Klan’s popularity increased. In 1920 it had over 100,000 members, and by 1925 it had around five millions. One of its aims was to keep whites in control. In order to do this, they used violence methods such as: burning crosses, parades, beatings, lynching’s and others. Another Klan’s aim was to intimidate black Americans, so Members of the Ku Klux Klan dressed in white robes to stress their belief that whites were superior to blacks. Another aim was to fight for native, white, Protestant supremacy and to protect the decent American values, which were commonly from the traditional way of life

Anyway, the Klan declined again in 1925. The reason for this was the excess of some of its leaders. Each state was under the command of a Grand Dragon. India was commanded by Grand Wizard David Stephenson, who was convicted for raping and mutilating a female assistant. This made that the corruption of the Klan became common knowledge.

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Booklet IGCSE-modern world history

Book IGCSE Modern World History

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