- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Lost In The Cave

Enviado por   •  27 de Mayo de 2013  •  917 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  660 Visitas

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Ellise Darby pulled the sitting room curtains aside and looked out the window. “where are they?” she wondered impatiently. “what’s taking them so long”

“who are you waiting for ?” asked Mrs Darby. “agnes and fran,” explained Ellise. “we’re going to a meeting of the Derbyshire Potholers’ club. It starts at eight o’clock and if agnes doesn’t come soon, we’ll be late.”

“I didn’t know you were interested in potholing,” said Mr Darby. “remember when I took you to Kitle Caves? You hated being underground, you cried and…… ”

”oh, Dad!” interrupted Ellise. “that was ten years ago. I was only eight and I was frightened by that sabre-toothed tiger fossil ”

“I think it would be fun to explored caves,” said Ellise’s twelve-year-old brother Neville. “I’m going to join the potholers’ club when I’m old enough.”

“you have to be at least eighteen ,” Ellise told him. “why did you join the club ?” asked Mrs Darby. “It was agnes’ idea ” explained Ellise. “she did an A-level in geology last year, and she thinks that she will find some interesting rock samples in caves. I don’t care about rocks, but I think exploring caves will be good exercise. Beside, I hope I’II meet some interesting people. ”

“you mean boys,” said Neville. “that’s all you think about these days. Boys, boys, boys.”

“shut up!” said Ellise.

“stop teasing your sister, Neville,” said Mrs Darby.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Ellise ran to open the door. Agnes and Fran were standing outside.

“are your ready to go?” asked agnes.

“come inside,” Mr Darby called from the sitting room. “I’d like to talk to you before you leave for this meeting.”

The three girls went to see what he wanted. They stood in a row in front the three girls went to see what he wanted. They stood in a row in front of the fireplace, impatient to leave but leave but too polite to say so.

Mr and Mrs Darby said hello to the girls. Ellise, Agnes and Fran had been friends since they little, and they still spent a lot of time together. Sometimes this surprised the Darbys, because the three girls were very different from each other.

Ellise was tall and blonde, like her mother. She liked sport, but she was also a good student. She had just finished A-levels in history and sociology, and she planned to go to university in September. Agnes snow was short and dark . she was serious, rather shy and not as outgoing as her friends. Fran Winters was the prettiest of the three. She had curly red hair and she loved social activities like parties. She she had a talent for acting and often held the leading part in


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