- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Luis Echeverria

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Prof. Aldahir Caballero Campbell



Adriana Guadalupe Armenta González

Norma Elisa Guzmán Salazar

Estefanía Fernández Rivera

Karla Alejandra Andrade Garza

Daniela Fernanda Serrano Ramírez

Group: 5Vi

San Nicolás de los Garza, November 13th, 2013.


INTRODUCTION...…………………………………………………………………….. 3


Biography ………………………………..………………………...…..4

Growth and Development.........................................................…....5

Education and Health ……………………………………………….…7

Gross Domestic Product and Unemployment ……………….……9

Industry ………………………………………………………………….12

International Relations ..……………………………………….……..13

The Monetary, Financial and Fiscal System. ….……………………14




This economics project is about Luis Echeverría Alvarez , Mexican politician, President (1970-1976 ) , attempted to develop a progressive policy , raised the foundations of a democratic opening and encouraged the review informative and press.

He borned on January 17 1922 in Mexico city, studied law at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM ) , where he graduated in 1945, he began his political career. He immediately became the private secretary of the president of the National Revolutionary Party to the December 14, 1969 was declared the PRI candidate for the presidency of the Republic, and triumphed in the elections of July 1970. During his rule ( 1 December 1970-30 November 1976) , was implemented an active foreign policy to strengthen and expand the presence of Mexico in all international organizations and forums .

In 1974 , a proposal from Mexico , the United Nations (UN ) adopted the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States, complementary to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , and in 1975 co-founded the Latin American Economic System . adverse economic conditions , both domestic and international , was forced to devalue the peso , which caused a serious speculative movement and the fall of parity to levels never known.


Name: Luis Echeverría Alvarez.

Government Period: Dec 01, 1970 to Nov 30, 1976.

Political Party: Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI).

A lawyer by profession who was in the position of the presidency of Mexico for six years. He studied in Mexico City . Her career studied at the National Autonomous University of Mexico " UNAM " and was admitted as a solicitor in 1945. During the time I studied his career he founded the Free World Youth Mexico and a magazine called " Mexico and the University " . From a young age was interested in politics in 1946 to age 24 joined the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI ) and worked as secretary to General Rodolfo Sanchez Taboada . Later was in the Navy .

He was then senior officer of the Ministry of Education and in 1958 was appointed deputy secretary of the Interior. Your job performance helped him in the year 1964 was appointed Secretary of the Interior during the administration of President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz .

It is important to note that under President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz took the tragic killing of students on October 2, 1968 in the Plaza of the Three Cultures in Tlatelolco and pointed all the masterminds of the events were Ordaz and Echeverría .

However that did not stop him to continue moving up the political and November 8, 1969 he was named a candidate for president of Mexico on behalf of the PRI . The results of the elections that took place on July 5, 1970 were in their favor , Luis Echeverria took office on December 1, 1970 .


Among the proposals of President Luis Echeverria found the shared development project called , with which pretend maintain economic growth, price stability and the kind of change, but with the novelty of a better distribution of investments and reduce economic protectionism .

To achieve income distribution , the government invested a larger amount of money in public spending in order to specifically benefit the middle and lower classes , providing education services , housing and health . It is not true that there is an inevitable dilemma between economic growth and income distribution.

Those who preach that we must first increasing and then spread , are wrong or lying by interest . If we consider only global figures , we might think that we have overcome underdevelopment. But if we contemplate the reality surrounding grounds for serious concerns . A high percentage of the population lacks shelter, clean water, adequate food and medical services .

The interest for cater to the working class that the riots settled in 1968 and 1971 were very recent and it was feared that the people , to social inequality , was organized as beginning to make in other Latin American countries . Moreover, the field that had been neglected in favor of industrialization underwent an Agrarian Reform Law , published on February 27, 1971 , which provided, inter alia , the distribution of the land until it had more to go around. In the matter of education , the National Council of Science and Technology ( CONACYT ) on December 29, 1970 , to promote research needed to advance the country.

The council also would serve as advisor to the federal government in " the planning, coordination, guidance , organization and channeling of activities related to science and technology." In the area of health Echeverria President sent Congress an initiative that was approved as the Social Security Act on February 22, 1973 , which established the need to expand the number of beneficiaries of the IMSS , which only had access the workers and their


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