Odysseus & Ajax
Enviado por Yerandy • 22 de Agosto de 2013 • 546 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 299 Visitas
Odysseus & Ajax
Courageous, brave, intelligent, strong these are the qualities that every hero has, but there are some differences between them that is what makes them unique, well heroes had existed since always, so let’s talk about this first heroes of Greece that have been the base for the others, so Sophocles the famous writer created “The Odyssey” and “Ajax”, not only did they have similarities, but also they are different in some ways.
Both were greeks, but in differents locations Odysseus was the King of Ithaca while Ajax was the one of Megara. Odysseus was an unusual hero but also a great one because he passed 20 years out of home 10 for the years and other 10 for the return he like every human being had defects one of them: he was a womanizer. And Ajax was the bravest of the Greeks warriors of troy and victorious of most of his fights, he had a very deep defect that cost him his life he was very arrogant as he was stronger than the mayority of the warrios he thought that was above the others.
Odysseus had a qualitie that Ajax did not has, he knew that for having a sucess he required more than strength or having the best and complex weapons of the war,one of the most important requirement is that you will always need help for getting your goal either because they had more experience or that can give you advices as Oddyseus asked help to Tiresias (of the underworld) how return home safe and sound and in the other hand we have Ajax that has a little bit more thought that his decisions were the best and not the ones from other people. But there is one strong and notorious similaritie between them both were very brave an example on this was in the Odyssey: Odysseus during his trip back home had a lot of obstacles one of them was when he and his tripulation were going to pass into the mermaid’s territory he asked to his partners to cover their eirs and tied him to the boat, so he resisted the singing of the mermaids, and we have in Ajax: that he fought versus Hector the leader of the trojans one of the most important persons in that time with a lot of strong warriors under his power, and he almost killed him.
In the Ajax both characters are in the story when Achilles died, there was a meeting of all the Greek warriors and the judges had to chose one of them to give a price that was the shield of Achilles, the winner was Odysseus and Ajax were upset about this final decision so he decide to take revenge, but Athena stop him with a spell, finally full of shame he decided to suicide but Odysseus as a kind person let his people bury him.
In conclusión, Oddyseus and Ajax had different methods to success in the war of Troy and they didn’t had a similar ending, the end of Ajax was tragic, but they had similarities in qualities that a great warrior must to have.