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Political Parties In Honduras

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History of the parties of Honduras

Partido Nacional of Honduras (PNH)

“The ideals of General José Trinidad Cabañas, contributed to the creation of the National Party of Honduras.”

This hero, being president of the republic in 1854, addressing both chambers of the legislature, he decried his imposition of party feuds in the country and called on Hondurans to reflection to assume patriotic positions where they precede the national interest on particular interest. It also said that the administration of governments should be free of nepotism and partial interests, in this case recognized that the features that respond to interest groups have prevented an orderly and give the country government laws. He emphasized that "national facts rather than personal should characterize all governments", thus establishing one of the basic principles on which the current doctrine of the National Party of Honduras is founded. The ideal of General José Trinidad Cabañas, to form a new political option was proposed in 1874 by General Ponciano Leiva policy making group multiple segmentations to support his idea of forming a new party.

General Ponciano Leiva

Luís Bográn (political, military and layer), takes the initiative and General Ponciano Leiva in 1890 at a meeting of the Congress of the Republic held in the city of Santa Barbara raised the desirability of creating a great politician, powerful new large and representative party basis, to allow the accession of all social strata Honduranness .After achieving agreement, the charter was signed, recognizing as interim chief General Luis Bográn .The act established the general rules of the party and set the date of January 30, 1891 to meet in the city of Tegucigalpa and approve the bylaws, the program of action, to the nomination of a candidate for the presidency of the Republic, that honor he distinguished General Ponciano Leiva.

General Luis Bográn

This time, it was approved to participate the new party, under the name " National Progressive Movement." Here begins the first attempt to create a new political option in Honduras. In this election the other liberal nominated as a candidate for the presidency of the Republic, Policarpo Bonilla and the result was as follows: Progressive National Movement 34,000 votes and the other stream of liberal 15,000 votes. After the electoral victory opponents, they did not accept the result forcing the general Leiva stand firm in the mandate given to it by the Honduran people and took over the nation's November 30, 1891 .Subsequently undergo a progressive inner wear , however , General Ponciano Leiva ruled for 14 months in the middle of a civil war.

The project supporter Ponciano Leiva, who assumed General Manuel Bonilla, with the name "Manuelista Movement" to be installed on February 27, 1902 in Tegucigalpa great national convention who had the popular support of 40 thousand signatures. A attended the event men and women with democratic vocation and a high spirit of patriotism.

He struggled again to find a name for the new party , putting a consideration as political organization would be called , some participants wanted to name it after the National Party because he had a place all walks of Honduras , others were the criterion of calling party national Progressive since their bases were formed by humble people and had to respond to their expectations and hopes , people formed working groups and discussions lasted until the early morning hours the next day, at the end of the name of NATIONAL PARTY approved PROGRESSIVE .

Although this time is not set as the National Party of Honduras, is recognized as the founding date of this political institution on February 27, 1902 on the initiative of General Manuel Bonilla Chirinos.

Partido Liberal of Honduras (PLH)

Dr. Arias Celeo inspired by the Liberal reform Marco Aurelio Soto and Ramon Rosa, in 1884 organized a movement called Comayagua Liberal League to advocated by the broader political participation with advanced ideas and then 23 July 1887 document exposes the "My Ideas" program as its doctrinal retaking the presidential candidacy Morazánicos ideals and Liberal Reform as an ideological platform. Upon the death of Doctor Celeo Dr. Arias in 1890 as Head of Policarpo Bonilla Party and leading representatives of Tegucigalpa, Miguel R. Davila, Comayagua, Salvador Aguirre , La Paz, Santiago Meza Cervantes, Intibuca Gonzalo Mejia Nolasco, Choluteca , Marcial Soto and Copan Romulo E. Durón formed on February 5, 1891 the Liberal Party of Honduras. The doctrinaire approach systematically structured in the constitution of Liberal Party, is a political creed exalting freedom and the principles uplifting the dignity of the human person. Specifically I include the inviolability of human life , personal security secured by the guarantee of " Habeas Corpus " ; abolished : The Torture scaffolds politicians, life imprisonment and the death penalty , on the other hand guarantees freedom of thought, assembly, association , movement , teaching, worship , equality civil and political , universal suffrage, municipal autonomy , non- detention , the security property and absolute independence of the three powers.

Once having made the party and Policarpo Bonilla ruled the Republic, Terence Sierra , Miguel R. Davila Rafael López Gutiérrez and Vicente Mejia Colindres, Flag collects José Ángel Zúñiga Huete , dubbed the " Lion Liberalism " who fought against the dictatorship of Tiburcio Carias Andino was then exiled José Ángel Zúñiga Huete who immortalized the phrase " Liberalism is a forever young "militia was a presidential candidate in the 1932 elections against Tiburcio Carias Andino and in 1948 when I went to measure forces against Juan Manuel Galvez retirement on the grounds that there were no conditions for a fair election acceptable. He died in Mexico on April 13, 1953. I substitute in the convention Liberal Party José Ramón Villeda Morales, who coined the phrase that the government Carias was in "Confinement, Exile, and burial." In 1957 Dr. Ramón Villeda Morales "Pajarito" was elected president ; during his rule, Honduras entered the Central American Common Market and start programs for land reform , health, education , housing , safety and security partner , etc. . His policies led to the suspicion of the Honduran oligarchy alarmed by the triumph of communism in Cuba, in 1963 support a coup led by Oswaldo López Arellano General when it was ten days for the liberal people elect Modesto Rodas Alvarado as its next president; overthrow that produced a climate of fear in the Honduran society and uncontrolled situation of the Liberal Party and its leaders. Hundreds of Hondurans were brutally


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