Enviado por Alex Alvarado • 6 de Septiembre de 2015 • Apuntes • 439 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 125 Visitas
Unidad Educativa Ángel Polibio Chaves
Alex Alvarado
2do BGU “A”
1.-What is social and moral conscience?
Conscience moral is the capacity of human beings to behave morally, carrying out acts freely chosen, mulled rationally, taking responsibility for its consequences, etc. While the social awareness refers to the consciousness of self and how the environment can hurt or favor.
2.-How does the social conscience relate to the social movements?
The social conscience is relate to the social movements since the thought and social ideals is what allows a person to support a social movement that fights for their benefit or interest.
3.-What is collective consciousness?
The notion of collective consciousness refers to shared beliefs and moral attitudes, which function as a unifying force in society.
4.-Find a chart that explains the differences between socialism, communism, capitalism.
[pic 1]
What is the role of the state for each of them?
The state is one that has to do with international relations and not allow monopolies.
The state is in control of everything ( education, economy , health)
The state disappears completely so the relationship isn't given obedience and command.
5.-What is the role of the state in the economy?
The state has a very important role in the economy. Its main tasks are:
- Tax Collection: raise taxes as income tax, VAT, IEPS, flat tax ...
- Public expenditure: provide citizens of public goods such as roads, parks, street lighting, esculents, hospitals, etc.
- Redistribution of wealth: from money it collects revenue, making social programs that benefit the most disadvantaged.
- Monitor compliance with the laws that make economic activity (eg property rights, contract enforcement, prevent monopolistic practices.) Possible
- Regular strategic sectors of the economy such as energy, finance, banking, agriculture (among others)
- Make laws that improve the functioning of the economy through tax, labor, trade reforms.
- Imposing quotas, subsidies, tariffs and other incentives to help achieve specific economic goals.
6.-What is the role of the state in the society?
The role of the State is irreplaceable in the conduct of economic integration that aims to promote social justice, equity among regions and social groups, and sustainability. The democratic state must be an instrument of society to address the economic and social changes that the market can not solve problems. Therefore, the discussion should not be seen as a choice between state and market.