- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Sola Mente Si Como

Enviado por   •  4 de Noviembre de 2013  •  338 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  314 Visitas

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Syngenta es una de las compañías líderes mundiales dedicada a los agro negocios.

Propósito: incorporar a la vida el potencial de las plantas, ayudando a los agricultores a incrementar la productividad de los cultivos, protegiendo el medio ambiente y mejorando la calidad de vida.

ne of the unique things about Syngenta is that our actions and products can help address one of the planet’s most challenging dilemmas: how to grow more crops from less resources. That is why our ambition is to bring greater food security in an environmentally sustainable way to an increasingly populous world by creating a worldwide step-change in farm productivity. And that means on every farm - the 8 million large farms of over 100 hectares and also the 500 million farms of around only 1 hectare. Each farm and farmer has a role to play.

Through deploying our world-class science, we aim to transform the way crops are grown and look beyond yield. This includes novel go-to-market models, building in particular on our success in reaching new customers in emerging markets.

Our strategy

To work towards meeting our ambition, we put the grower at the centre of everything we do. Our strategy calls for us to think like a grower and understand that he thinks about his land and his crop in a holistic, integrated way. With our enormous breadth of technologies in Crop Protection, Seeds and Seed Care, we are uniquely placed in our industry to not only provide the grower with integrated offers now but also truly innovative and transformative technologies in the future. These solutions will help the grower to meet the increasingly complex challenges of today and tomorrow.

At the core of the long-term success of our strategy is innovation, particularly in research and development. The products of the future will certainly need to produce extra yield, but they will also need to have a positive impact on the land and the people who live on the land. Yield alone is no longer enough. We will innovate beyond the single product paradigm of chem


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