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Tratado De Guadalupe Hidalgo Y La Posible Republica

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The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and The Possible republic.

To the war lost in the year 1818 against United states, there was a last effort of the conservative government, with Santa Anna as their leader, that lead to Alteza Serenisima (1850-1854) ; the Ayutla Revolution in 1854, that manage to cover the liberals; Lerdo´s law in 1856 and the liberal Constitution in 1857, which was the cause of the civil war (1857-1861). The native mexican liberalist currents joined together for the common cause of “The nationality conquer“.

The American intervention wasn't helpful for the liberal cause. First, because the mexico´s military power wasn't as powerful as the americans, the civil discordancy, and the nacional indifference were points that affected mexico at that time, so, they couldn't win the war. Secondly, the american war was the dear allied for the mexican liberalism, seen as a role model, But, in 1948 for the liberals, this role model became the military invader.

In 1848, Manuel Crescencio Reejon found repulsive and injustice the war, and he rejected the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which established the new border of Mexico, saying that the acceptance of the treaty meant “The Republicans death“ . The “Revitalized liberal thoughts “ that started after 1848, Charles Hales remembers, “The war had demonstrated the democratic society´s power of the U.S.A“. Until this year, the U.S.A was seen by the mexican government as the dream social model, due to its economical prosperity and its government.

With the treaty of guadalupe hidalgo signed by the end of the war, U.S. had the undisputed control of Texas, established the U.S.-Mexican border of the Rio Grande, and ceded to the United States the present-day states of California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, most of Arizona and Colorado, and parts of Texas, Oklahoma,Kansas, and Wyoming. In return, Mexico received $15,000,000 (less than half the amount the U.S. had attempted to offer Mexico for the land before the opening of hostilities), and the U.S. agreed to assume $3.25 million in debts that the Mexican government owed to U.S. people.

The Porfirian era had political differences with the Restored Republic, it can be seen as a strict continuity, and the Mexican Revolution, as an institutional, social and political re establishment. Porfirio Diaz builded the first political system at the range of the national country. He abolished the regional independency, and he implemented a scales of powers and it ended all at the center: La ciudad de México, The National Palace, the president's chair and finally the President. Diaz often referred his body as the country, so when he had a physical pain, he used to say : “ Me duele tlaxcala“, also did fundamental improvements to the economic modernization, mexico joined the international market of minerals and hydrocarbons, also


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