- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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It is the science that studies how to draw conclusions from empirical research using mathematical models. Not only attempts to predict, but studying the discrepancy between predicted and observed. Statistics is an ally of the sciences that analyze and process data. Statistical moves at three levels:

Body of knowledge.

Field of action.


The term "Statistics" has three well-defined grammatical meanings:

Statistics, in its most common usage, is nothing but a collection of numerical data sorted and classified according to certain criteria. We refer to that meaning when we speak of production statistics, statistics of stock prices, demographics, etc.. Becomes synonymous with the term "statistical series," used as information.

Statistics, in its second meaning, is the science of using mathematics as a tool, and the calculation of probabilities, studies the laws of behavior of those phenomena, not being subject to physical laws, depend on chance. In a second phase generalizes these laws and based upon predicted and inferred results. The term "Mathematical Statistics" becomes the proper name of this acceptance.

Statistical ultimately means in their last meaning technique or method is to collect, organize, summarize, present, analyze, generalize and compare the results of the observations of real phenomena.

Science statistics

Statistics includes three sections:

Descriptive statistics -. Describe is already occurring phenomena through data management.

Inductive statistics or statistical inference aims to draw conclusions from observations.

Calculating probabilities: a measure introduced in the phenomena.

Applied Statistics for Public Administration:

Notably two aspects:

Data analysis.

Decision making

Using studies go in two directions:

Long Term Planning.

Opinion Studies.

Development Publications.


1. Formulation of the problem. For the study of a problem is necessary to quote and

properly formulate, defining clearly and precisely.

2. Experiment Design. This stage is primarily based on obtaining maximum

information using a minimum of cost and time.

3. Data collection. The data come from observations or documents that are used on a daily basis, is the part that consumes more time which can be obtained from:

a. Databases

b. Interviews or questionnaires

c. Direct observation or experimental measurements

4. Organization and description. Consists of breaking down the data in some simple properties, the problem of developing suitable mathematical models of the data are included.

5. Statistical inference.


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