- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

El Triptico en ingles

Enviado por   •  25 de Enero de 2016  •  Tarea  •  262 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  379 Visitas

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¿ What is functional diversity?

Functional diversity could be interpreted alternatively as a phenomenon, fact or feature present in society which, by definition   ,  affect all members equally.

[pic 1]

 That is, since there are people with skills or several or different functionalities together in society, would

claim that society (or in a particular social group) exists or functional diversity occurs (the same way that cultural diversity is observed, sexual  , generational ...).

  [pic 2]

How to integrate a person with functional diversity?

The biggest battle is to give more visibility to the issue of disability and ensure that there is national  and international  personalities to

 defend the matter; there ambassadors flagging this movement. The second key point is to get people with disabilities reach high positions in business, in government, in positions of responsibility and influence, to prove they are just as capable as others.

[pic 3]


The typological classification of disabilities, according to the WHO, it is contemplated as follows:

Motor impairment  

Sensory Disability    

 (auditory or visual)

Mental or learning  disability

Speech or language disabilities

Visceral Disabilities


The Foundation for the Integral Development of People with functional diversity, is positioned as a network of social organizations dedicated to the area of disability, in order to meet an important sector of the population excluded disabilities through training projects, prevention and comprehensive care in partnership with the National Council for Persons with Disabilities (CONAPDIS)

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Ministry of Popular Power for Education

U.E. Andrés Eloy Blanco

Cabimas-Zulia State.

Made by:

Benhail Arrieta

Danna Hernandez

3° Section ¨C¨


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