Laboartorio de mecaica de suelos
Enviado por bareacomiomaquia • 30 de Abril de 2018 • Ensayo • 277 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 94 Visitas
A theory tells us Herodotus, often called the father of history, visited Judea in 450 BC. and he heard about the existence of caged dragons in Arabia, near Petra, Jordan. This aroused curiosity, and he thought of traveling there. According to the testimonies written by this historian, two species of dragons with wings have been found that have been enclosed in an iron cage, which he characterized as true "ferocious beasts".
For example: Marco Polo's Diary explains that when he walked through Anatolia, in Persia, he found living dragons flying and attacking his caravan in the middle of the desert. In these chronicles, Marco Polo explained that they were frightful beasts that took them to a point of killing him.
Peter Costello presents "The plesiosaur theory," he writes, "that appeared a long time ago, still has many supporters, but again the difficulties of whether it could have survived for sixty million years without being detected.
Daniel Cohen, author of The Greatest Monsters in the World, also says that there is a "sensational possibility" that the dragon legend originated with the dinosaurs, noting that:No creature that has lived is more like a dragon than dinosaurs.
Cohen says that "some primitive discoverers of dinosaur bones called them" dragon bones
I propose that primitive humanity encountered dragons, or dinosaurs. This means that humanity did not evolve millions of years after the dinosaurs became extinct, but both coexisted. This evidence leads me to the conclusion that human beings truly found dinosaurs on the primitive earth, and that they drew them, wrote about them and passed on tales of them to their children. The dragons of literature and ancient art, I conclude, were in fact dinosaurs.