Lista De Verbos
Enviado por sherkan123 • 18 de Febrero de 2014 • 219 Palabras (1 Páginas) • 377 Visitas
Regular Verbs
A regular verb is a verb that follows this rule:
Past form of the verb = Present form of the verb + ed / d
For example, work is a regular verb because:
Past form of work = work + ed = worked
Dance is a regular verb too. That is because:
Past form of dance = dance + d = danced
We call the present form a base form, or V1 (Verb 1).
We call the past form V2 (Verb 2).
There is another form called V3 (Verb 3). That is the form that we use in the Perfect Tenses.
These are examples of Regular Verbs:
V1 V2 V3
help helped helped
open opened opened
stop stopped stopped
change changed changed
Irregular Verbs
An irregular verb is a verb that does not follow that rule.
For example, drink is an irregular verb because the past form of drink isdrank, and not "drinked".
Go is an irregular verb too. That is because the past form of go is went, and not "goed".
These are examples of Irregular Verbs:
V1 V2 V3
take took taken
buy bought bought
eat ate eaten
give gave given
leave left left
am was been
The English language has a great number of irregular verbs!
Infinitive Past Simple
Be ser/estar Was/were
Begín empezar Began
Break romper Broke
Bring traer Brought
Build construir Built
Buy comprar Bought
Catch coger Caught
Choose eligir Chose
Cost costar Cost
Cut cortar Cut
Do hacer Did
Draw dibujar Drew
Drink beber Drank
Drive conducir Drove
Eat comer Ate
Fall caer Fell
Feel sentir Felt
Find encontrar Felt
Fly volar Flew
Forget olvidar Forgot
Get coger/tener Got
Give dar Gave
Go ir Went
Grow crecer Grew
Have tener Had
Hear oir Heard
Keep guardar Kept
Know saber Knew
Let dejar Let
Lose perder Lost
Make hacer Made
Mean significar Meant
Meet encontrar Met
Pay pagar Paid
Put poner Put
Read leer Read
Ring llamar Rang
Rise subir Rose
Say decir Said
See ver Saw
Show mostrar Showed
Sing cantar Sang
Sell vender Sold
Send enviar Sent
Shut cerrar Shut
Sit sentarse Sat
Sleep dormir Slept
Spend gastar/pasar Spent
Swim nadar Swam
Take tomar Took
Teach enseñar Taught
Tell decir Told
Understand entender Understood
Wake despertarse Woke
Wear llevar Wore
Win ganar Won
Write escribir Wrote